Saturday, August 31, 2019

Case Study – Ford Motor Company

Introduction Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903 by Henry Ford and eleven business associates. The company was responsible for the innovation of the moving assembly line where employees would remain in the same place while performing the same task on each automobile that move along the assembly line. Ford Motor Company has been a prominent car producer for over 100-years – an icon of U. S. manufacturing. However, the company has reached a pivotal impasse where timely planning has become crucial. Hence, to reestablish the brand and Henry Ford’s original vision to produce â€Å"cars that were affordable to the masses† (What Would You Do? Ford Motor Company, n. d. p. 1). This case study will examine four options; the first option is whether to close down older plants in an effort to realign production and sales. The second option is to re-engineer the company to produce smaller cars eliminating or sharply reducing the SUV and truck lines. The third option is to take the unprecedented step of dramatically reducing North American presence and focus the company efforts on international markets where the company has been very successful. The fourth option is to sell the entire Premier Automotive Group (PAG). To determine what the criterion for the Ford Motor Company four options are, Ford’s management team should collectively utilize the rational-decision making model that is define as â€Å"a systematic process in which managers define problems, evaluate alternatives, and choose optimal solutions that provide the maximum benefits to their organizations† (Williams, 2010, p. 85). In addition, management should utilize the SWOT (acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis, to identify their internal strengths and weaknesses and their external opportunities and threats. Ford can use the SWOT analysis for assessing their strategic position in its internal and external environments. Rational decision-making and the SWOT analysis will allow Ford to obtain and ascertain key issues to determine what strategic plans to implement. The case outlines four strategic options Ford is pursuing to increase its profitability. Describe each of the four options. For each option list two criteria, you would use to evaluate the option. Option number one recommends closing older plants to realign production and sales. Closing the older plants managers would have to evaluate how these closures will affect their internal environment, employees will lose their jobs; the company will be obligated to buy out each employee. In addition, the company has to evaluate their external challenges; how will the closure of these plants affect the community. The plants are currently producing more cars (supply) than the consumers are purchasing (demand). Therefore, Ford Motor Company’s has to create and implement a tactical plan that denotes how the internal threat of buying out the employee’s will occur, hence buying out the employees will reduce Ford Motor Company’s operation expense and maximize their internal opportunity because there will be more resources (cash) to invest in other areas of the business. In addition, the company could sell their supply to employees at a discounted price and offer the consumers in the community this same discount at a point lower to achieve goodwill in the community, thus minimizing their external challenges. Option number two is eliminating or sharply reducing the SUV and truck lines and concentrating on the production of smaller cars. The company managers should determine the strength of this option, the company would need to evaluate the following: can fuel economy be realized in these particular vehicle lines without significant cost being passed on to the consumer; will there be a continuing market for SUVs and how will reducing or eliminating truck lines affect overall sales. Therefore, to evaluate these challenges I propose managers review their industry forces that address the question; how should Ford Motor Company compete in the SUV and truck line industry. According to Harvard professor Michal Porter (as cited in Williams, 2010), â€Å"five industry forces determine and industry’s overall attractiveness and potential for long-term profitability† (p. 107). The company can determine if this is a feasible market for the company to continue participating in by assessing their positioning strategies. Option number three requires reducing Ford’s North American presence and focus the company’s efforts on international markets where the company has been very successful, particularly in Europe, South America, and China. Again, it is imperative that managers utilize the rational decision-making process to determine; what is the sustainability of the Ford brand in the international market, how will reducing or removing North American presence affect the overall brand, and which plants in North America should be closed for short periods to allow the demand to catch up with the supply. In addition, Ford should implement an aggressive marketing strategy in Europe, South American and China to gain a sustainable competitive edge in a market that is receptive. Option number four is to sell the entire PAG. The PAG group is part of Fords portfolio strategy that did not align with Ford’s vision. Therefore, retrenchment strategy should be applied for this option, sell the entire line because it is not part of Ford’s original vision – â€Å"production of cars that were affordable to the masses† (What Would You Do, Ford Motor Company, n. . p. 1). According to the Boston Consulting Group, BGC matrix, â€Å"is a portfolio strategy that managers use to categorize their corporation’s business growth and relative market share, helping them decide how to invest corporate funds† (Williams, 2010, p. 103). The PAG group can be defined as a dog; a company that â€Å"have a small share of a slow-growth market† (Williams, 2010, p. 104). I n addition, the hand-built PAG automobiles do not fit Ford’s innovation of the assembly line. In light of the possibility that market conditions can and do change, discuss at least three examples of how the company should build-in flexibility to back-up it decision-making process. Ford Motor Company should implement flexible back-up plans and one plan or method is the option based planning that is the goal â€Å"to keep all options open and acquiring small investments in alternative plans† (Williams, 2010, p. 81). Therefore, when one or several of the alternative plans flourish Ford would invest more in those plans, while reducing investments in other, for example, the North American plants. The second plan for the company to build in flexibility would be its slack resources that are people, money or production. Hence, the partial closing of the North American plant, slack resources would enable Ford to adjust, when demand increases there will be resources available to accommodate these changes. In addition, for any plan to work well, management has to keep communication open with all members of the team to develop and encourage commitment. List at least three steps that make-up a workable plan and explain why each is important. To determine and execute strategies for the four options managers at For Ford Motor Company have to be aware of the essentials steps in preparing a workable plan. Therefore, step number one to prepare a workable plan is setting specific goals, using the S. M. A. R. T. guidelines that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. This is important because it directs behavior and increase efforts when the plan stipulates specific goals. Step number two is developing commitment. Goal commitment â€Å"is the determination to achieve a goal† (Williams, 2010, p. 80). Therefore, both managers and employees should collectively set goals to encourage commitment; setting goals collectively encourages employees to intensify their efforts. The third step is developing an effective action plan that list the specific steps, how the options will be carry out, which employees will perform each task, and what resources are going to be needed and how long it will take to accomplish the goal. The fourth step is tracking progress this will allow you to track your short-term (proximal) and long-term (distal) goals. In addition, the company managers should use a Gantt chart that will aid them in tracking this progress and keeping projects on task. When you know where you are going, how you getting there, who is assisting and how long it will take allows you to be flexible when conditions change. Discuss the option or combination of options you selected as the best course of actions for Ford Motor Company and detail your reasons for selecting that option or combination of options. I recommend Ford Motor Company put into operation, option number three, to take the unprecedented step to dramatically reduce their North American presence and focus their efforts on international markets where they have been successful. Ford Motor Company also should elect option number four, to sell the entire PAG group. To maximize Ford’s profits, it is clear that North American factories are not doing well and are the major sources of losses. Ford has lost a substantial amount of market share to its competitors. Ford does not want to produce more cars than they sell. Therefore, by reducing production in this market will provide them with slack resources to fund their European market. In addition, operation expense for their North American operations is expensive due to unionization. The United Auto Workers (UAW) â€Å"represents most of the company’s production employees and the contract terms over the years have been designed to provide significant long-term support to those employees† (What Would You Do? Ford Motor Company, n. d. , p. 1), and these generous benefits are weighing down the company operations and liquidity; therefore, Ford Motor Company should pay out the severance package to these employees and this will free up those monies to reinvest in the markets that are doing well or to repair older plants. In addition, due to the general environment changes – the economy, the company should negotiate new compensation packages with UAW to decrease their operational expenses. Additionally, Ford Motor Company should sell PAG because they are not in the luxury car business and refocus their attention to what they do best — producing cars that are affordable to masses. ? References Williams, C. (2010). Management. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Rise of the Superbugs

A Superbug is a bacterium that can live in the human body and has the ability to withstand all forms of antibiotic medication. Superbugs are becoming increasingly significant in modern medicine as they are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics were discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming (Walsh and McManus, 2000). This resulted in a huge movement forward in medical history and even greatened human life expectancy. Since then antibiotics have been widely used and abused, people began to treat everything with this ‘miracle’ drug. If antibiotics are continually used as bacteria grows exponentially more resistant to them then eventually society will fall back into an era without the readily use of antibiotics. Fortunately the superbug is not currently immune to all antibiotics as some forms of antibiotics can still treat the bacteria. In years to come the superbug will become increasingly hazardous to mainstream society as it grows faster than scientists can create medication for. Bacteria are the main source for all diseases and deaths worldwide and have been on earth for billions of years, much longer than humans. Bacteria were first discovered by a Dutchman named Anton van Leeuwenhoek in the 1660’s but it wasn’t until the 1850’s that bacteria was regarded as the main cause of disease. Because bacteria have been around for so long it has evolved to adapt to most environments to withstand any other organisms. In the 1930’s Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey discovered an antibody which could destroy most bacteria and assist to fight infectious diseases. Many experiments were completed to understand the full impact antibiotics had on humans and how much was needed to rid someone of disease. Drug companies began to mass produce Antibiotics as a means of curing infections and diseases, but only a few years later scientists began to observe the bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics. Like most environments, bacteria were able to adapt to live comfortably with the Antibiotics. Darwin’s theory of evolution states that through natural selection the fittest will survive, this is the case for bacteria living with antibiotics. (Wiley, 2004) ‘The introduction of an antibiotic alters the environment and acts as a selective pressure’. They had developed a resistant by numerous ways, the most common being horizontal gene transmission. This is the passing of genetic material between bacterial cells and can be done by three different processes. The first being Conjugation, which is the transmission of resistant genes through plasmids. Plasmids are small strands within a call which are able to replicate the DNA of a chromosome and carry information around the cell and to other cells. It allows the cell the ability to adapt to different environments. The bacterium achieves antibiotic resistance by direct contact with another bacterium where the plasmid moves into the other cell through a protein tube called a Pilus. The second is Transformation, a cell will pick up DNA from their environment, usually from other dead cells and then incorporate it into its own genetic makeup. The third is called Transduction. This is where bacteriophages, which are small viruses, pass through bacteria injecting themselves inside. When a phage moves to the next bacterium it carries a small amount of the genetic code from the previous cell, allowing the DNA to pass between cells. Wiley, 2004) (Bailey, 2013). These bacteria then split and multiply, creating a bacterium that is resistant to most antibiotics and these are known as superbugs. Superbugs are growing at an exponential rate, with more antibiotics used, bacteria has the perfect environment to create an ideal resistant bacterium. For many years now scientists have known of this increasing issu e, attempting to create new forms of antibiotics while the bacteria will always adapt and grow resistant to. To quote Alexander Fleming: ‘The greatest possibility of evil in self-medication is the use of too small doses so that instead of clearing up infection the microbes are educated to resist penicillin and a host of penicillin-fast organisms is bred out which can be passed to other individuals and from them to others until they reach someone who gets a septicemia or pneumonia which penicillin cannot save. ’ (Walsh and McManus, 2000). The superbug poses a huge threat to society in many ways and it raises many issues. How should the patient be handled? How many different types of antibiotics are too much for a person to retain? How can people living in poverty prevent the spread of bacteria? The rise of the superbug produces numerous questions surrounding the care of patients and the fast spread of the resistant bacteria. The way scientists and doctors treat and care for their patients should be top priority, but when the patient is either living in poverty or in an area with limited resources it becomes difficult. In many poor cultures the superbug is growing much faster because they don’t necessarily have the understanding to prevent the spread of bacteria. In places like India and Pakistan antibiotics can be bought readily at pharmacies without prescriptions. Because many people think antibiotics can cure anything they use them inappropriately, therefore creating an environment for the bacteria to grow resistant. This is a major issue in Southern Asia as the rise of superbugs is much faster here than other countries. Reasons for this include the ease of access to antibiotics, the method of isolation for patients with the superbug and the contamination of water by antibiotics. Many drug companies deposit their waste into rivers nearby, creating the perfect environment for bacteria. Isolation of patients is significant in controlling the outbreak of the superbug but in many Southern Asian countries isolation is not very well managed. Limited resources mean there is limited rooms and limited money and as a result many hospitals provide suitable grounds for the superbug. In many Western countries isolation can also be a problem but in a different way. Because some bacteria can spread so easily, isolation becomes the solution. While they are dying from that disease they are probably going to infect others. So on a public health point of view it’s better off not treating them and sending them off to die alone’ (4 Corners, 2012). Economically many drug companies aren’t developing new ways to defeat the superbug because it’s not as profitable as manufacturing drugs that people will need for their entire lives. As a result there are only a small number of companies attempting to defeat the superbug. Another area for concern is the current rate of antibiotics going into animal feed. In 1998, in the United States, 80 million prescriptions of antibiotics for human use were filled. This equals 12,500 tons in one year. Animal and agricultural uses of antibiotics are added to human use. Agricultural practices account for over 60% of antibiotic usage in the U. S. , so this adds an additional 18,000 tons per year to the antibiotic burden in the environment’ (Kenneth Todar, 2012). Politically this number is far too large to sustain as it is expensive and eventually won’t help the animals, rather it will just create more superbugs. The most important question is what is being done to prevent the rise of superbugs. Scientists develop numerous ways to do this, most failing. But recently there have been a few breakthroughs in terms of stopping the superbugs from killing humans. Firstly, more than ? of all antibiotics used are from soil. Antibiotics are also found hundreds of metres underground in caves, where the living conditions are harsh. In order for the bacteria to survive they must either defend their own resources very well or attack other bacteria, by producing bacteria killing chemicals, to get their resources. Collecting these chemicals could produce a new antibody that is extremely powerful because it has survived in such harsh environments. Secondly, just as bacteria have been on earth for billions of years, so have bacteriophages. A bacteriophage is a virus for bacteria; it injects itself into the bacterium and produces many replicas of itself inside. It will keep replicating until the bacteria splits or bursts. As there are many different types of bacteria there are also any different bacteriophages, which makes it difficult to find the right phage for the bacteria. Using bacteriophages to kill bacteria is better than antibiotics because they have the ability to adapt to their environment. Lastly bacteria can’t kill on it’s own, it must have a large number of bacteria to create any damage to a person. It was discovered quite recently that bacteria have the ability to communicate with each other, they release molecules that grow in proportion to the number of bacteria so when that number gets high enough the receptors on the bacteria communicate and change their behaviour at the same time (SBS Documentary, 2013). This is known as quorum sensing. Being able to stop the communication between bacteria would prevent the bacteria from harming people, they would be inactive. Many scientists have produced other methods to prevent the rise of the superbug but unfortunately most bacteria have evolved and become resistant. Currently there are very little bacteria that have fully evolved to be resistant to all antibiotics but in the years to come antibiotics could become ineffective. In the past antibiotics were overused, they were used to fight diseases that could not be cured with antibiotics which therefore created antibiotic resistant bacteria. Only in recent times have scientists really begun to address this issue as more and more people are developing the superbug with no appropriate cure yet. The rise of the superbug is becoming increasingly dangerous to society and many ethical, economical and health issues must be answered.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Drama Analysis on Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Drama Analysis on Hamlet - Essay Example And even when love is present, it is suppressed and treated as a stumbling block in one’s quest for control such as the case of Hamlet who denied himself the love of Ophelia. The characters’ obsession of who would be in control was so intense that the old Hamlet, the former King of Denmark was killed by his own brother Claudius just to assume his position as King and to take over his court. Familial relationship or any form of kinship was secondary to the consideration of who would take control and this could be nonchalantly disregarded when it impedes the objective of getting the crown. Old Hamlet was slain by his own blood brother, and to aggravate, his death was covered by lies that he even enjoin the kingdom to mourn with him. And to make things worse, Claudius, old Hamlet’s murderous brother Claudius married his wife Gertrude who was technically Claudius sister-in-law before Claudius murdered his brother Hamlet. This is to gain control of the king’s f amily in addition to seizing control of the King’s court by being crowned as King (Churnin). Apparently, the contest of who would be in control extends beyond the grave. The old King Hamlet will not be put away just like that even if he was murdered. This act of reappearing even as a ghost is beyond the quest of justice but rather a refusal to relinquish power and control (Lewis 611) by planting hatred in the heart of Prince Hamlet by letting him know that old Hamlet died of crime which is evident in these lines; Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night, And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature ... dent in these lines; Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night,     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And for the day confined to fast in fires,     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature That instead of asking the young Hamlet to bring Claudius his uncle to justice, the ghost Hamlet instead asked for revenge quoting; Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder Claudius on the other hand put a show of having crocodile tears on the death of his brother Hamlet so that people will not prosecute him as a murderer but will instead become sympathetic to him by his show of grief which he in turn can use to gain control over the court. Claudius elaborate show of grief even enjoins the whole kingdom to mourn as if it was not him who murdered the old Hamlet by saying; Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother's death   The memory be green, and that it us befitted     Ã‚  To bear our hearts in grief and our whole kingdom     Ã‚  To be contracted in one brow of woe,     Ã‚  Ye t so far hath discretion fought with nature     Ã‚  That we with wisest sorrow think on him,     Ã‚  Together with remembrance of ourselves. This cunning device to deceive the public was Claudius effort to gain control on the throne (Roe 376). But the old king will not just easily give up control on the throne as he showed himself to the young Hamlet to tell him that he was murdered. More than justice, it was control that the old king was after as he does not want his murderer to assume control of the kingdom. This revelation has a profound effect towards the young Hamlet as he is now preoccupied with hatred to avenge his father that he could no longer think of anything else except revenge. He could have been happy by diverting his attention to other things that could make him happy such as being with the woman he love such as

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Children VS Television Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Children VS Television Programs - Essay Example topic is debatable as there are pros and cons of watching television, but by watching adult programs, children are liable to commit sexually inapt activities or violence. Such programs do not hold any intrinsic worth. However, prohibiting children from watching such programs generate curiosity and revulsion thereby making children delinquent. Convincingly, parental judgment is required to inculcate wisdom for decision making outlook. Such attitude provides significant social benefit. Observing acts of violence or sex hampers the cognitive psychological development in so doing, children become desensitized for such actions. Watching TV for hours together everyday diverts interest of children, they keep pondering about the acts they saw on the television, consequently they are likely to be less active, perform less physical work, read only a few books or hardly they manage to finish their homework or study schedule, likely to be overweight and have poor grades in school. In the modern society violence, race, sexuality, gender, alcohol and drug abuse, attitudes and overwhelming behaviors are prevailing, similar situations are displayed in the television programs to a greater scope and magnitude which are perceived as "safe and acceptable" by the children. Parents should keep a check on children while they are watching television programs, they should encourage discussions with children and should mention positive behavior encompassing friendship, co-operation and concern. Parents should discuss personal and family values that relate to the television program including the consequences of violence being d isplayed. Parents must discuss the impact of advertisements and purchasing, and should encourage children to involve in hobbies and sports

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Torture and Ethics Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Torture and Ethics - Research Paper Example The paper further examines if torturing violates the basic human rights provided in the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Eventually, it determines if the act of torture is justifiable under any ethical theory. Torturing Enemy Combatants or High-value Targets and Standards of Morality in America Torturing of enemies or criminals has been contrary to the values and morals of the Americans for long time. The Bill of Rights under the American Constitution prohibited bizarre and cruel punishments (Greenberg, 2006). Furthermore, the United States’ government, besides Americans, has condemned countries across the world that practices any act of torture. This is exemplified by the country granting asylum to individuals fleeing their countries for fear of acts of torture (Wijze, 2006). In the history of criminology and jurisprudence, the act of torture always has been distinctive. Torture forms part of the ancient techniques of punishment, which are severe. Torture is regarded a s capital punishment in which the captors apply force and brutality to obtain compliance from the criminal suspect (Ginbar, 2008). A section of the society has argued always that people who torture suspects are sadists, deriving pleasure from agony and pain of other persons. Any form of physical or psychological coercion is unacceptable for use on terrorist criminals or suspects because it amounts to inhuman and undignified treatment, diminishing the mental abilities of the targets. Depriving fellow humans of their rights and liberties of which individuals should be custodians to is morally unacceptable. Acts of torture remain evil practices to be detested and avoided (Wijze, 2006). A majority of the civilized societies across the world perceive torture as an inhuman and savage act that should not be practiced on humans. Consequently, the use of torture has received massive criticism and condemnation as well as protests (Wendel, 2005). The emergence of increased terrorist attacks af ter the 9/11 attacks, which led to the American government to adopt the policy of torture, has witnessed mixed reactions from the society over torture of suspected terror attack criminals or war prisoners (Ginbar, 2008). The international community prohibits torture through the conventional legal agreements, such as the Geneva Conventions, of which America is party to. Practicing acts of torture is a violation of the morality standards set out by the international agreements, which embody universally true and indefeasible human dignity values. Treating terrorist criminals and suspects in an inhumane way is morally irrelevant. All humans are equal and entitled to some incontrovertible rights of which dignity, found within life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, is among them (Greenberg, 2006). The United States breaches the principle of standards of morality that it advocates for and loses its moral authority when it practices acts of torture in any circumstances (Davis, 2005). The totalitarian states find a loophole in resisting the changes demanded of them by the international community. The application of coercion is morally repugnant because it exposes America to allegations of hypocrisy, undermining its efficacy. Act of Torture: Violation of Basic Human Rights and Global Implications The use of torture to obtain crucial and critical information from criminal suspects,

Monday, August 26, 2019

The United Nations and international order Essay

The United Nations and international order - Essay Example From the research it can be comprehended that when the Great powers came together in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the prevailing issues that obviated the need to form the United Nation were limited to those factors that characterized oppressive powers in Germany, Japan and Italy. Thus international order was perceived in an entirely different way than it is perceived today. Moreover, the founding fathers were embattled having just endured a major war and wanted to take advantage of the failures attributed to the League of Nations in that it had not been able to prevent a Second World War. The resolution was perceived as cooperation among the international community. However, the veto powers and the virtual autonomy of the five permanent members to the United Nation illustrate that the United Nation has been far from cooperative in coping with the prevention, management and cessation of breaches of the peace. Be that as it may, since the establishing of the United Nation the world has not suffered through a world war. It can therefore be argued that maintaining the world peace may not require international cooperation as called for by the United Nation. However, having regard to the proxy wars in the Middle East, the Gulf Wars and many other conflicts and humanitarian crimes, the effectiveness of the United Nation in maintaining international order, peace and security is seriously in doubt... Similarly, the UN decided on promoting peace and security via a framework that consisted of an â€Å"international organization† as opposed to the League of Nation’s framework of a global government.4 Thus the UN set out to consciously distance itself from the failed League of Nations. Setting the general tone of equality among the international community, Article 2(1) of the UN Charter 1945 specifically states that the UN was â€Å"based on sovereign equality of all of its Members†.5 The UK and the USSR were opposed to the UN becoming involved in anything outside of political and security issues. Even so, it was determined that the UN could not be effective without the authority to delve into the underlying root causes of armed conflict such as the economic, social and ideological factors the create tensions among and within states.6 In this regard, the UN’s mandate in maintaining international order would be somewhat expansive. It would not merely limit the scope of its authority to actual conflict, but would take on a much broader role in the international order. Early Challenges to the UN’s International Order Agenda The Allies of the Second World War were for all intents and purposes the founding fathers of the UN. Collectively, the Allies were the world’s Great Powers, having successfully defeated fascism and the Nazi powers. Thus the Great Powers assumed a pivotal role in the UN’s peacekeeping mandate that was designed to maintain and regulate international order. At the time, the main powers with the authority to negotiate peace and order were vested in the US and the USSR. The prevailing belief was that world peace and security was not possible unless the Great Powers cooperated and coordinated efforts to prevent and punish â€Å"aggression†. 7

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Consider whether Health Impact Assessment would be worthwhile for the Essay

Consider whether Health Impact Assessment would be worthwhile for the Lancashire County Councils transport strategy for 2011-2021 - Essay Example This gives the project a frontline in laying down a Health Impact Assessment. Lancashire County Council’s transport strategy for 2011-2021 has put forth a Masterplan; Central Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan to address problems associated with highway transport system in Lancashire County. The Masterplan sets out to overseeing the future of Central Lancashire Highway and transport networks. Among the options listed for the improvement of the future of Lancashire’s transport system include, improving on the available existing infrastructure to expand on the highway and transport system. The result will be fruitful, as it will significantly improve public transport in the country. Nevertheless, despite the improvement of public transport in the country, does the policy have any impact on the health of the community at Lancashire? Stages of HIA include screening as first step whereby possible health impacts of the project are identified, wide range of stakeholders and informants are met with, stakeholders examine project details. In Lancashire, the Masterplan has stakeholders who are the city dwellers and collaborating partners. It also has informants who are the ones who have come up with the idea of Highway expansion. Project details such as the budget, the timeframe, and labor force can be examined from the Masterplan. In addition, HIA must possess the characteristics of a project touching on the health of the public at large. Lancashire Highway and transportation Masterplan will greatly affect the health of the public in both a positive and negative way. For instance, public health is affected by a range of factors, which may include housing, employment opportunities, security of the public and education, to mention but a few. The Lancashire Highway and Transportation Masterplan touches on all these aspects. To support this,all public realms for the Masterplan are designed with safety improvement at mind. In inner East Preston,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Information Systems supporting the Department of Human Services Assignment

Information Systems supporting the Department of Human Services - Assignment Example Basically, organizations are segmented into different departments. Further, these departments are specified according to their roles and functions as well as these functions on a broader dimension are further supported by other business processes that shape overall structure of an organization. Now, it is very important for us to understand the role of Information System as a basic component in an organization as it enhances the abilities and adds value not only to an organization but also to its customers. The use of Information System mainly depends on the nature and the needs that are required to be addressed in meeting the objectives within an organization. It is worth mentioning that an organization is comprised of different systems which are inter-related with each other as well as the role of effective information and its usage among these systems is directly associated with the process of quick decision making. It is highly imperative for the organizations around the world to establish an effective and more comprehensive Information System that would help them in achieving their goals with increased work efficiency. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents: Introduction: 3 Business Process of the Functional Area: 4 Creating Financial Statements: 5 Financial Operations: 6 Financial operations work on the basis of these statements as these statements show the performance and the financial needs of the organization. This also helps the organization to evaluate the potential of their operations and their financial capability that would further assist them in generating more funds and fulfilling its needs and other requirements. Financial operations estimate the potential or other possible resources through which they can generate funds. -Investing cash: 6 INFORMATION SYSTEMS: 6 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: 7 Management Information Systems: 9 List of References: 11 4-Samuel, M. (2010), â€Å"The Direct Link between Business Results and Organizational Cultu re†, viewed on 17 July 2011, 11 6-Kehinde, T. (2010), â€Å"Effective Information System† viewed on 17 July 2011, 12 8-Business Local Listing, (2009), â€Å"Advantages of Business Process Outsourcing† viewed on 17 July 2011, 12 APPENDICES 12 Introduction: To understand the importance and functioning of an Information System, it is very important for one to understand the structure of an organization. An organization consists of different groups and departments working together for achieving an organization’s goals and objectives. Organizations can be classified on the basis of their goals and structure. However, we cannot deny the fact that a balanced synchronization within the different departments and systems leads to smoother operations which results in overall success of the organization in the long-run. Functional Area: Basically, organizations are consisted of the functional areas which are inter-lined with each other as well as they are also respo nsible for achieving the goals of an organization (Jiang 2009, p.156). In large organizations, it is easy to differentiate between functional areas as they operate in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Offenders and Psychology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Offenders and Psychology - Coursework Example In the Table â€Å"Profile Characteristics of Disorganized Asocial Offenders† it is evident that there are a number of characteristics, which are appropriate in the process of offender personality’s studies. The status of the personalities in their communities is determined with respect to the following features: they have a limited intelligence, are involved in unskilled work and have a few contacts with other members of the community. These persons show the following types of post-offense behavior, such as turning to the place, where the crime was committed; having a visual collage of criminal events etc. After that, when the crime was committed, a disorganized criminal can hardly change a place of his residence, because he is used to his familiar environment. It is possible to differentiate a disorganized asocial offender from the organized nonsocial offender. The former offender would commit his crimes at night, as a rule. For this type of offenders, it is very impo rtant to be understood and supported. Establishment of positive relationship with this personality is very beneficial in the process of investigation. Moreover, the interviews are more effective with these offenders at night, when it is their â€Å"best time†. The features of the organized nonsocial offender can be interpreted in the following way: this type of the offender would be more organized in his daily life. They are lonely persons and they do not want anyone else around them. These persons have an average level of intelligence and they can be active members of the society. These offenders can have his personal relationship and he can even make a good impression (Interview with S. Milena Halterman, 2010). This type of offenders can go to many other places, which are far away from their neighborhood. Post-offense behavior of the organized nonsocial offenders is as follows: he is interested in the consequences of the crime, committed by him. Moreover, â€Å"organized  crime  scenes  reflect  a  high  level  of  control  by  the  offender  where restraints  are  used  and  the  body  is  disposed  of  in  a  thought out  manner, usually  transported  to  another  location  from  where  the  murder  took  place† (Holmes& Holmes, 2009). During the interview sessions, it is relevant to confront these offenders directly, because they are afraid of direct facts. A single-interview strategy is one of the most appropriate for them. These offenders can tell everything sincerely during the interviewing. Therefore, it is appropriate for the criminologists to focus on the peculiar personal features of the offenders in order to determine possible options of serial crime prevention and a proper investigation conduct of every particular case. Thus, the modern paradigm of criminology should be focused on researches and studies, which are concentrated on the peculiar aspects of offendersâ⠂¬â„¢ behaviors. Question 2 In the modern paradigm, it is very important to know that there is a strong relationship between social and psychological issues of the criminals and the actions committed by them. Psychological  profiling has been developing since 1940 and this field was developed for investigation of serial crimes (Schlesinger 2009). The basic points, outlined in this field of study are: characteristics of the  offender,  time factors, modus  operandi, offender’s  and  signature and  staging (Holmes & Holmes, 2009).  There is a great need to take into account organized vs.  disorganized

MARKETING Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MARKETING - Term Paper Example 24 to 32 km/hr. It has been apparently observed that the usage of e-bikes has been increased drastically in recent business context. This is owing to the reason that e-bikes deliver extreme mobility as well as health benefits to the disable or older people. Moreover, the e-bikes have become a better substitute for cars that is quite cost-efficient as well as effective. It has been viewed that the business market of e-bikes is growing tremendously in Australia that is mostly used by the youths, older people and retirees among others as an effective transportation system. With regard to determine the current market situation in Australia, it has been viewed that the regulatory authorities belonging to Australia have challenged towards the execution of e-bikes. It is obvious to the fact that e-bikes consume considerable portion of energy in comparison with any conventional bike (Electric Vehicles Pty Ltd., 2010). Market Description With regard to determine the market situation of e-bikes in Australia, it has been viewed that the growth rate of the usage of bicycles amid the people aged 9 and above has been recorded to 37.5% which is quite less as compared to previous 25 years. Moreover, it has also been observed that the intensification of bicycle trips has reached to a level of 20.9% which is nearly a third of population growth in Australia (Scribeworks, 2011). On the basis of the above discussion, it can be stated that Stealth Electric Bicycle should introduce its broad assortment of products in the business market of New South Wales and Queensland in Australia concerning the market situation of e-bikes and presence of the chief market competitors. Product Review The different products of Stealth Electric Bicycles can be reviewed by focusing upon certain important dimensions that include Frame, Motor, Transmission and Front Suspension. Frame One of the products of Stealth Electric Bicycles is Fighter Electric Bike which is improved by alertness and of less weight in structure. Accordingly, the frame is smaller and less heavy in comparison to other products like Bomber. The Fighter electric bikes also claim a less weight in swing and torque arms with adaptable wheelbase for comfortable riding (Stealth Electric Bikes USA, 2011) Motor The company manufactures the DC hub brushless motor having only a single stirring part which is between the m otor and the ground that facilitates control, efficiency and reliability without sound radiation (Stealth Electric Bikes USA, 2011) Transmission Pedal power of Fighter electric bikes is conducted through gearing interior support from bottom. gear shifting that provide a speed from low to high. The floating drive train eradicates the requirement of maintenance and provides less sound effects as well as increases efficiency of the pedal power (Stealth Electric Bikes USA, 2011) Front Suspension The company provides the facet of front suspension in all of its products especially for the riders who are adventurous. It aims to develop its customer base by introducing such quality features in its every product (Stealth Electric Bikes USA, 2011). Competitive Review The competitors in the markets of Australia relating to e-bikes are many. The competitors in the bicycle industry include Australian Electric Vehicles and Electric Bicycle Co. that provides ample competition in the market. It has been observed that Australian Electr

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marketing Paper Final Exam Essay Example for Free

Marketing Paper Final Exam Essay Final Paper Marketing encompasses the complex cycle of every stage of a product, from conception to the final sale and everything in between. Marketers are challenged with identifying the consumers needs/wants and managing the process to meet those needs. Every product a marketer develops goes through four stages in its life, The Product Life Cycle. Each stage of the product life cycle (Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline) have unique characteristics that a marketer faces as they create utility and try to maintain or grow their market share. Through each stage advertising is critical and marketers try to inform, persuade and remind consumers about their product. The difference is the approach and focus of the advertising. Every product that comes to market enters into the Introduction Stage. This is the stage where consumers are first introduced to the product. â€Å"During the introductory stage of the product life cycle, a firm works to stimulate demand for the new market entry. † (Boone Kurtz, 2006, p. 371) A marketer must connect with consumers to create a market for the new product. Every year hundreds of new products enter the introductory stage. Currently a product that is just beginning to take hold is high-definition televisions (HDTVs). HDTVs broadcast pictures with increased clarity and give the viewer (consumer) options on camera angles and additional information. Currently, â€Å"Yankee Group estimates that 15 percent of American households now own (a HDTV), with Forrester estimating 10 percent at most. † (Crawford, 2005) During the introductory stage, marketers are trying to introduce the product to consumers. One of the ways marketers succeed is in offering promotions or discounts to distributors to get the product in the marketplace. Most of the advertising focuses on informing the public about the new product. While information is key, advertisers also try to persuade consumers to purchase the product and often times remind consumers where they can find the product. The Introductory stage is where all products start. It is in this early stage that products are refined based on consumer and distribution feedback. Often times the numbers of marketers are minimal in the introductory stage as the market is being developed. As a product finds its market and begins to gain acceptance, it moves into the Growth Stage of the product life cycle. The growth stage is where a product sees its sales volumes increase dramatically. At this stage in the product’s life, â€Å"new customers make initial purchases and early buyers repurchase. † (Boone Kurtz, 2006, p. 372) Early marketers find increased competition as their competitors enter the product space to share in the profits. Satellite television has entered into the growth market with the advent of the small dish. Early satellite television was mainly limited to rural areas that were inaccessible to cable television. The dishes were large and unattractive. As the technology has advances and the satellite dish has shrunk to less then twenty-four inches, consumers have rushed to the alternative to cable television. Satellite television marketers are continuing to refine their product in this growth stage. Recently, the top two providers of satellite television signed deals to provide affordable high-speed internet service. â€Å"For satellite-TV providers, the service is another way to offer a full line of products. † (AP, 2006) The growth stage is where marketers move from a heavy focus on information in advertising to a more persuasive approach. The persuasive approach allows the marketers to differentiate from competitors and encourage individuals to not be left behind. If the product space attracts multiple marketers, pricing, features and other differentiators are used in the advertising to help marketers gain or maintain market share. The Growth Stage of the product life cycle is complex and changing. Marketers rely on word-of-mouth, mass advertising and falling prices to sustain the momentum and interest in the product. The goal of the growth stage is to get reluctant buyers to buy and current customers to repurchase. As a product matures and growth stabilizes, the product moves in the Maturity Stage. Sales start to plateau and supply exceeds demand for the first time in the products life cycle. Competing marketers have flooded the field and profits begin to become depressed. All of these factors create pressure on marketers to continue their brands sustainability. Carbonated soft drinks are a very mature product. According to the American Beverage Association (ABA) the beginnings of the modern soda started in the 1830’s. (ABA, 2006) The ABA estimates that there are over 450 brands in the product space. The number of brands creates fierce competition for American’s 65 billion in annual purchases. Adverting in the mature stage of a product’s life is all about increasing purchases, differentiating your brand and finding new uses or markets for the product. In the soft drink space marketers try celebrity endorsements and product differentiation. 7-UP is â€Å"the un-cola†, trying to draw its distinction among more popular cola brands. Whatever approach the marketer takes in advertising, the goal is to extend the maturity stage and maintain profits for as long as possible. A product in the mature stage of the product life cycle does not indicate imminent demise. As illustrated above, soft drinks continue to command consumer’s dollars. Marketers will often look to new markets and changes in the product to extend the life of the product. One of the largest struggles for mature products is maintaining profits as competition drives down prices. As the product leaves maturity it enters the Decline Stage in the Product life cycle. A products decline is most often linked to new technologies. Marketers focus on reminding the remaining customers in the market that they are there for the consumer’s needs. Sales decline, profits decline and the product space eventually looses money. VCRs are a product on the decline in the United States. With the advance of DVDs and the reduction in price of DVRs, VCRs are loosing shelf space and market share. Marketers often times search for new markets as products decline in their existing markets. So while the United States and Europe may transition to a new technology, emerging economies may embrace the â€Å"older† and cheaper technology, thus extending the products life. Advertising a product in the stage of decline focuses on reminding the remaining consumer base the product still exists.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

FMCG Industry In India Commerce Essay

FMCG Industry In India Commerce Essay India can boast of being the fourth largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Sector globally (India Brand Equity Foundation, n. d., p. 2). The estimated size of the FMCG sector of India is Rs. 1,300 billion (Gnimoline, n. d.). It has shown further growth of about 11 percent in the recent times. However, the FMCG sector of India is not like that of the developed markets, which are only dominated by few major players. It is defragmented and comprised of large number of sellers who conduct business in both organized and unorganized markets. Among 12-13 million retail stores, about 9 million stores belong to the FMCG segment. The population of the country is over one billion, so it has a strong customer consisting of about 300 million middle class buyers. It is considered to be among the largest economies because of the large purchasing power of the people (Sharma, and Bakshi, 2012, p. 472-474). India is considered to be the fastest developing countries in the world now, so the disposable incomes of the people are increasing and even the standard of living of the rural people has gone through drastic change. The Indian FMCG market is flooded with goods and services and the consumers have access to innumerable products based on their needs and requirements. The major players in the FMCG sector of India are Britannia Industries, Dabur India, ITC, Nestle India, Palmolive, Marico Industries, Tata, Amul, and many more (Sharma, and Bakshi, 2012, p. 472-474). It was derived from a research that an average Indian spends around 40 percent of their income on products like grocery and about 8 percent on the personal care items, as can be seen in Figure 1 Figure Source: (India Brand Equity Foundation, n. d., p. 4) In order to understand the usage of ERP and its pros and cons in the supply chain of the FMCG sector, it is very important to first segregate the segments of the FMCG industry because the different companies selling diverse products utilize ERP based on their convince, business strategies and goals of the company. The major segments in the FMCG sector of India are household care, food and beverages, and personal care. There are few minor segments too. 1.2 India Competitiveness and Comparison with the World Markets Due to the diverse climatic condition and different landscapes, wide range of food processing companies has the opportunity to do business and generate revenue in India. India is regarded as the largest supplier of milk, livestock, coconut, cashew, spices, and sugarcane. It is also the second largest producer of vegetables, rice and wheat. The country also has ample supply of caustic soda, and the soda ash which is the raw materials required for the detergents and soaps. Tata Chemicals is the largest company in the world, which produces the synthetic soap ash. The Indian companies also have a significant presence in the global FMCG value chain, which ranges from raw materials to the finish and packed products. Amul is the most popular company in India which deals in dairy products. Apart from the advantage of having raw material in abundance, India also enjoys the huge resource of low-cost labour resource, among all the Asian countries, as can be seen in Figure 2. Figure Source: (India Brand Equity Foundation, n. d., p. 7) Two major resources are there in adequate amount in the country. Many multinational companies have set up factories or manufacturing units in India to minimize their cost of production. For example Unilever a global giant sources a huge part of their product requirements from the Indian subsidiary called Hindustan Lever Limited. Unilever has outsourced about US$218 million products from HLL, which are mainly the personal, home care, and food products. Even Procter and Gamble has outsourced an Indian company in Hyderabad to manufacture Vicks Vapourub, so that Procter Gamble can export them easily to Japan, Australia and the other Asian countries (India Brand Equity Foundation, n. d., p 9-10). India has always tried to compete in the world market and allowed internationals or multinationals to trade in the country. With this idea, the policies were developed to attain international competitiveness, such as by reducing the excise duties, lifting the restriction on the quantity, eco-friendly food law formulation, and by permitting the brand names of the foreign products in the country. 1.3 SWOT Analysis of the FMCG Industry in India According to Bohm (2009, p. 2) SWOT analysis is a strategic management tool which can be utilized to evaluate the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the supply chain of the Indian FMCG market. SWOT analysis can assist in designing an effective plan that would capitalize the opportunities, utilize the strengths, by neutralizing the threats and minimizing the effects of weaknesses. Strengths All the major brands around the world are present in the FMCG market due to the strong supply chain framework in India. Even the base of the raw materials in the country is adequate for the procession of food products industries. The raw materials for the agro-based industries are also available and this is because of the diverse climatic condition which supports the growth of different crops in different parts of the country. Apart from these things, the production cost, delivery cost and the labour cost is also low, so this acts as a major advantage for not only domestic manufacturers, but also for the international manufacturing companies (Soundarapandian, 2002, p. 50-54). A good aspect of the supply chain in India is that it is uniformly spread in the urban as well as the rural areas of the country (Krishnamacharyulu, 2011, p. 404). Technological advancement in every parts of the country is also reflected in the supply chain segment too. IT enabled supply chain has high demands i n the Asian markets, which also includes India. In India the FMCG countries provide ample assistance to the rural sector and the agricultural industry too. That is why increasing usage of technology in agriculture is seen these days (Ferrell, and Hartline, 2010, p. 122-124). Weaknesses The major weakness is the growing market of fake products of popular brands. The Me-too products are sold less that their duplicates in the rural markets and also in the semi-urban markets (Kashyap, and Raut, 2005, p. 150-151). Though the usage of technology is growing, yet the scope of investment on technology is still limited. The risk is high and companies are reluctant to take risk (Mukherjee, and Patel, 2005, p. 124). Moreover, the export level is also high due to the increasing level of competition in the market. Though the raw materials are getting cheaper, but the FMCG companies are raising the prices of the products, and due to the vast market size, companies have become more interested in earning profit and creating power brands. Opportunities The Indian FMCG industry now has many suppliers who have identified ways of decreasing their cost and have introduced innovative ideas to enhance and improve the supply chain. Efforts should be made by the Indian companies to improve the quality of the supply chain. The population of the domestic market in India is 1.2 billion. The growth possibilities of the Indian companies are immense especially in the rural areas, as about 12.2 percent population of the country stays in rural areas (Euromonitor International, 2008). Apart from this the increasing focus and initiatives of the government towards the FMCG companies also depicts a growth prospect for the companies. Globalization and liberalization has also opened fresh horizons for the FMCG companies of India. Healthy products such as eco-friendly goods are gaining popularity in the world market; similarly Indian FMCG market should also utilize their resources to cash such an opportunity. Threats The rural India includes 627,000 villages (IIM Ahmadabad, n. d.). So challenges are faced by the supply chain companies in distribution networks. Problems related to IT sourcing, professionals and procurement activities for involving more and more members in the supply network can also be faced. Moreover, lack of investments for the technological advancement, lower level of computer literacy, and low penetration of internet facilities in the rural areas. The complex framework of the supply chain in the country may also make the distribution of products difficult. 1.4 Supply Chain in FMCG Sector In order to succeed in the highly competitive markets, companies should align the supply chain along the market demand and serve accordingly. The performance of the supply chain provides an edge to the company over its competitors. Supply chain management involves the right co-ordination of location, production, transportation, inventory, and information. Indian FMCG industry is ranked as the fifth most eye-catching and budding markets in the world, in case of supply chain management practices. It has also been graded second in the GRDI (Global Retail Development Index), which included a comparative analysis of 30 different developing countries (Munjal, Kumar, and Narwal, 2011, p. 156-162). The Indian FMCG sector is characterized by the stiff competition between the unorganized and the organized sector, and also among the highly established intermediaries and distribution networks. Even a strong presence of the multinational companies can be seen in the value chain of the entire FMCG sector of India. Though the performance of this industry had been inconsistent during the phase of 2000-2003, and even the investors in this sector could not derive any profit, but in 2005 and so on, the FMCG sector has seen a demanding growth. Further, in the year 2006, the FMCG industry not increased the disposable income but also improved the economic health of the country. The FMCG sector has grown further by 60 percent till 2010. The rural segment and the middle class of the country are considered to be the most promising segment of buyers in India. This also gives the brand makers the opportunity to convert these FMCG products into brands (Munjal, Kumar, and Narwal, 2011, p. 156-162). 1.5 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in Supply Chain Over many years the companies have started embracing new style of resource management and planning software structure in order to integrate the different processes, manage the resources in a better manner and enforce the integrity of the data. The systems which contain all these qualities intact can be termed as an ERP solution or system (Davenport, 2000; Boykin, 2001, p. 99-100; Sadagopan, 1999, p. 179-181). Before ERP was introduced, the supply chain segment used to enjoy the advantages of material requirement planning (MRP) in case of delivering performance and inventory turnover (Schroeder, Anderson, Tupy, and White, 1981, p. 1-4). Though statistics speaks that 80 percent of the companies implementing ERP have failed (Sarkis and Sundarraj, 2003), Cliffe (1999) revealed that about 65 percent of the executives have a belief that the ERP solutions can be harmful, and these perceptions further lead to the failure of the ERP system or poor implementation of the systems that even lead to the bankruptcy of the companies (Appleton, 1997). However, it goes without saying that those evidences of failures are there, but benefits of ERP are also innumerable. The top management of the FMCG companies having clear vision regarding the implementation process and its results can utilize it for the success of the company (Holland and Light, 1999). A new perspective in the supply chain can be seen nowadays due to which companies are opting for ERP systems for the FMCG sector. Due to rising pressure of implementing green systems, and utilizing green resources by increasing on the manufacturers and marketers, the usage of ERP solutions specially designed to support green or eco-friendly supply chain have been launched in the market. Indian FMCG sector took like that of other countries has welcomed this initiative. Though the penetration level of such specific ERP system in the supply chain is less, but it is slowly gaining momentum (Wu and Wang, 2006, p. 882; Leedale, 2010, p. 1-3). 1.6 Outline of the Study It can be well understood that when the country has such massive establishment of FMCG industry, then supply chain would be surely playing an important role in this sector. Keeping in mind the significance of supply chain in FMCG sector in India and the increasing use of technology in the retail and FMCG sector, this study aims to thoroughly analyze the significant and the challenges of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in the supply chain of the FMCG sector of Lucknow, India. ERP plays an important role in the supply chain of the FMCG sector because the motto of supply chain segment is to deliver the goods at the right time, in the right place and to the right people. The study is designed to include the both the secondary data and the primary data. Secondary data signifies the past research and literature that are available on the usage of technology based ERP solutions in the Indian supply chain segment of the FMCG sector, and primary data on the other hand would be collected thr ough questionnaire survey that would be conducted. Since the primary research that would be conducted would be specifically based on the FMCG industry and its supply chain in Lucknow, India, the research study begins with an overview of the nuances of the FMCG industry, the role of the supply chain and the significance of the ERP solutions in these sectors in India. This would give the readers a clear view of the country as a whole. The next section would be a literary analysis of the supply networks in India, especially in the northern parts where Lucknow is situated, the penetration of technology, especially solutions like ERP, and also a brief overview of the supply chains of the companies in Lucknow chosen for this research study. Further a research would be conducted and results drawn would be analyzed to suggest recommendations. 1.7 Research Objectives The objectives of this research study are stated below: To comprehend the notion of ERP in supply chain management, in the FMCG sector and focus on the significance and relevance. Analyze the importance of ERP by studying the past literatures available, so as to evaluate the theories of other researchers in this regard. To scrutinize the activities in supply chain management and understand the operation functions of major FMCG companies of India, which are also based in Lucknow. To study the activities and functions of ERP in the supply chain of these companies. To analyze the results of the findings and throw light on the similarities and differences of ERP usages of these companies in their supply chain management. 1.8 Problem Statement The study would investigate the responsibility and the challenges of ERP in supply chain segment of the FMCG sector in Lucknow, India. The issues which the supply chain companies face due incorrect ERP implementation or inadequate training would also be discussed. Further, instances of breakdown of the supply chain services in the FMCG sector due to ERP problems would also be discussed. 1.9 Research Question Q1: What role does supply chain play in the FMCG sector of Lucknow, India? Q2: What improvements can be seen in supply chain after extensive usage of ERP? Q3: What challenges supply chain departments or companies and the FMCG companies face specially due to ERP? Q4: How the major FMCG companies in Lucknow, India utilize ERP for their supply chain? CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Supply Chain Sector in India The traditional boundaries are the things of past. The new horizons of technology have introduced an array fresh business opportunities and also infused various challenges that needs to be mastered or trapped. In order to maintain a significant position in market nowadays, companies have to concurrently manage the efficiency of the various business activities, such as distribution, manufacturing, and services, effectively. Competitive advantage is governed by innovation, visibility, customerization, velocity, scalability, and cost governance. The future of business depends on serving the customers properly, and maintaining a trustful relationship with the suppliers, and partners. In order to attain all these criteria and objectives, organisations apply the concepts of supply chain management (SCM) (D. Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, and E. Simchi-Levi, 2000; Sahay, 2000; Derocher, and Kilpatrick, 2000). The concepts and theories of SCM can be traced back to the ages of Forrester (1958, 1961), who recognized the dynamics of several response to the changing demand in the various situations that arises in supply chain. Forrester had acknowledged that dynamic complexities create distortion in the patterns of demand by shifting the demand from the end users to the manufacturers, and the raw material suppliers. One of the major implications in SCM is that all the participants are interdependent, which is both the strength and the weakness of this system. The interest in SCM has increased since 1980s after globalisation and free flow of trade and commerce. Organisations started viewing the benefits of collaborative trade relationships. Though management concept has vast scope for growth in India, but the proliferation of the variety of products and the reducing life cycles of the products have forced the Indian companies to think beyond the boundaries of just maintaining collaboration with the supply chain partners (Vrat, 1998, p. 10-24). The dramatically changing environment has made the Indian organisations realise the effect of competing unnecessarily without the assistance of the supply chain associates. The requirements for adaptation of collaborative methods are high because of the recent deregulation in the global economy and also due to globalisation and its effects on the Indian economy. The traditional defensive industrial, organisational and economic boundaries have now been demolished (Saxena and Sahay, 2000). However, new and emerging markets bring in new opportunities, as well as new rivals too. The rules of trading relationships and economy are now ascertained and re-defined by technology and information networks. This is the reason why it has become mandatory for the Indian organisation for look out for such SCM methodologies and process which can maximise their efficiency not only beyond their operation, but also make them eligible to compete with the top FMCG brands of the world (Sahay, 1999). Many Indian companies have not operated in the open economy system. So working with appropriate business partners, developing mutual trust, designing a flawless SCM system, etc are altogether an alien ball-game for them. It has been studied that the Indian industry spends about 14 percent of the GDP on the logistics, and about $25 billion is attached to the inventories or stocks in the supply chain system around the country. Though India is one of the fastest developing countries with more than a billion populations, it should think of integrating highly advanced SCM theories and approaches for sustainable economic growth (Korgaonker, 1999a, 1999b). The significance of supply chain in organisation is being recognised in at the corporate level. The Indian supply chain plays a significant role for the growth and development of the FMCG sector. With the motive of overcoming the challenges that the retailers face and also to develop new systems and solutions for the organisations in India, the Supply Chain Council was formed (Supply Chain Leadership Council, 2012). Supply chain assist in organising the business activities in the FMCG by establishing a shelf-centric partnership between the manufacturers and the retailers. The nature of the supply chain in India is relatively fragmented because of less availability of fresh produce. This reveals the requirement of more advanced and organised supply chain in the country. The supply chain networks play significant role in India because they assist the customers to purchase variety of products at affordable prices. It is because of the supply chain the customers can get various offering that the company has designed for the customers based on the changing taste and preferences of t he customers. The Indian Infrastructure in terms of rails, roads, and air transportation are not sufficient. In these cases warehousing play a very important role in the operations of the supply chain system. In order to overcome these issues the retailers in India are trying their level best to decrease their transportation cost and are also outsourcing their supply chain system to the specialized companies for best logistics. Supply chain is required for the development of cost effective collaboration in order to survive in the competitive environment. India has a diverse economy which ranges from village farming, handicrafts, agriculture to technologically advance modern industries, and other diverse services. However the major source of economic growth of India is the Services offered to customers. It has been analysed that approximately 60 percent of labours or work force are into the agriculture (Hirway, 2008, p. 1-14). This compels the government of the country to improve the standard of living of the rural citizens of the country by developing the basic infrastructure for them, making available the resources such as education, medicines, health care facilities, or food, etc for the overall development of the country. The reduction of control on FDI is an initiative to welcome foreign investors so as to encourage free flow of trade and commerce and improve the economic condition of the country. The Indian logistics and supply chain had played an important role all through these years and still evolving for the better. Constant improvement of the supply chain framework has made India the global hub for auto ancillaries, manufacturing of sophisticated products like luxury cars, pharmaceuticals, electronics, textiles, food processing, etc. It also has a significant role to play in the service sector through BPOs, tourism, health services, and education facilities. SCM has occupied a value spot in the corporate level. This is the reason it is studied by young entrepreneurs in business schools to implement an organised supply chain framework in the new emerging India. Companies nowadays directly focus on reducing cost and reaching out to the customers in the shortest possible time. For this reason the objective to design and develop the best supply chain system for increasing the profitability is the best solution. 2.2 Role of Supply Chain in the FMCG Sector of India The FMCG industry follows a simple strategy that is to keep the price margins low, and volume of products high. In order to continue business in this manner FMCG companies in India need to plan the entire operational functions and the different value chain actions to the last details, so as to ensure guaranteed profit. Branding assists in differentiating the products, while supply chain or distribution system would determine the faith of the FMCG companies in the long run. The diversity of the Indian market and the huge opportunities in the vast untapped rural market of India provides opportunities to the FMCG companies to explore these areas and connect them through effective supply chain networks. Though the level of competition, and changing business environment has transformed the significant of each elements in the supply chain, but the major elements remains the same. The activities, level of performances, resources utilised and the approaches of utilising the resources have ch anged with requirements and time. There are five specific factors on the basis of which the supply chain of the FMCG sector in India functions. They are stated below: Combined scheduling, forecasting, offering customer services, and building relationships: The supply chain system has the duty to reduce the lead-time and deliver the goods per performance on time to the customers for building a strong relationship with them. It must possess a strong demand and supply forecasting structure for correct supply chain arrangement and movements. Responsiveness of the supply chain is also necessary towards the customers and is regarded as the most critical factor for success. The forecast for collaboration with the customers is prepared by taking into account the sales figures of the past and a project figure for the future. An effective mechanism for customer care and services is prepared so as to offer customized services to them and provide value based services. Point of sales, inventory and real time demand like concepts are given importance and data related to such approaches are collected from retailers for survey or research in order to improvise th e supply chain system (Gentry and Vellenga, 1996, p. 37-44). Establishment of operational system with the suppliers and formulating provisions for logistics services: The agreements at service level with the transporters assist in providing the reliability and the effectiveness to the logistics framework. The requirements of the customers are analysed and accordingly designs are developed. The feasibility of producing those designs are also checked steps involved in developing a new product is followed to develop the idea into a product and float it in the market. Networking and clustering with the intermediaries and the suppliers for deciding the location of the firm is important, so that the location may act as an advantage for the company. Nowadays outsourcing partial activities of the company proves to a cost and time saving step. After this the selection of a dynamic route for the distribution of the product is selected. The suppliers are selected keeping in mind that the product reaches the customers on time and also large accumulation o f stock in the shop is not there. So the approach of Just-in time is preferable in such cases (Mathur, 2010, p. 391-395). Lean approach for operational improvements in the supply chain is also an intelligent initiative. Companies also develop transport rating systems for tracking and enhancing the performance of the distribution system and logistics, while the suppliers evaluate the cost, but not the unit prices of the products or the services. Cross Functionality through establishing collaborative activities with the dealers and suppliers: The immediate demand is shared and information assists the supply chain to smoothen the flow. Though previously the suppliers were reluctant to use technology or IT services, but now IT is welcomed and deeply integrated in the supply chain system of India. The activities in which the company does not have much experience or competency, is usually outsourced now to save cost and time. Organisation, especially FMCG companies in India have now realized that working in close relationship with the suppliers, intermediaries and the supply chain is critical for the success of the company (Lambert, Stock, and Ellram 1998, p. 3-28). Strategic Partnership and the practice of outsourcing to survive in the competitive environment: The organisations in FMCG sectors prefer to have strategic partnerships with selected well established suppliers. This is the reason why the competition among the suppliers is also increasing. The suppliers are encouraged by the organisations to offer cost effective and quality services. The modularity of the supply chain system is also beneficial for the successful establishment of SCM. The organisations share the rewards and risks associated with the suppliers and the supply chain as the market is volatile and changes in the market negatively affects the suppliers. The selection of suppliers strategically, evaluation and development: The preference for selecting the suppliers depends on the flexibility and customization of the volume of goods. It is the suppliers who should involve in the development of new product so as to deliver the new products to the customers in no time. The suppliers balanced scorecard should be made so that the performances of the supply chain can be assessed (Lambert, Stock, and Ellram 1998, p. 3-28). 2.3 Usage of Technology in the Supply Chain Segment Supply chain management (SCM) plays an important role in companies for the creation and maintenance of sustainable relation with the customers and the suppliers. According to the Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF), SCM is the incorporation of the major business practices to the customers with the help of the suppliers that assist in transfer of goods, services and relevant information and add value to the offerings offered to the customers and other stakeholders. The process of supply chain management involves all the activities from transporting raw materials to manufacturers to supplying finished products to point of purchase and also to the point of storage (Hanfield, and Nichols, 1999, p. 143-156). SCM includes all activities that are associated with the achievement of competitive advantage and sustainability of the business. In this sphere internet is affecting the process in which nowadays goods are distributed and bought. The advent of Internet has changed the ways of conducting business. Companies are injecting technology in various departments of the organization to discover new ways of earning revenue, finding new customers, and managing the supply chain of the company. E-commerce is one of the parts in the technological environment (Bushry, 2005, p.87-88). It enables the marketer to sell the products and services through a virtual marketplace and the payment for the product is also done online through the use of internet services. In large manufacturing companies, the supply chain segment has to manage multiple suppliers and vendors at the same time and also regulate the flow of goods to the different target markets. Technology is now treated as agents who help in solving the major problems of management or information overload. The collaborative information agents play very significant roles in SCM. The pressure of global competition is increasing day by day, so the requirement for streamlining the supply chain in order to make it responsive and flexible is also increasing. The traditional ways of distributing the product led to the inaccurate assumption of demand and exact supply figures. The suppliers and the marketer also faced problems in the maintenance of records in the warehouses and while production. Due to these issues, the whole supply chain infrastructure started evolving and moving towards the electronic transfer of data, and electronic supply chain systems. There are few characteristics which can be seen in the present day supply chain and its philosophy, such as sharing of information, management of inventory, adopting flexibility readily, cost minimising strategies, coordination of all the intermediaries in the pipeline. The business environment of all the industries is becoming more dynamic, so the product life cycles are becoming shorter, and the demand of produ cts and services are uncertain (Sheth, and Sharma, 2000, p. 55-60). The supply chain environment has changed in the recent times as the warehouses have reduced in number, competition level has increased, third-party services have increased, channel integration, etc. The traditional supply chains are reactive rather than being proactive, uncertain, extensive lead times, deficiency of flexibility in operation, etc. The next generation of supply chain system should be customer centric, have scalability, flexible, open, integrated, capable of functioning autonomously, optimization and negotiation capability, etc. It must have the capability to forecast accurately, and it should be compatible with the manufacturing process (Anderson, and Lee, 199

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis of Changes in Wage Rates in India

Analysis of Changes in Wage Rates in India CACP – The data source which is an important source for wages in rural India unfortunately does not publish the wage data from these studies. The cost of cultivation scheme collects data from the selected household at regular intervals on all aspects of farm business. The valuation of human labor has always been a problematic issue for the CACP. There is however a number of limitations associated with this data such as lack of data for many crops, problem in aggregating the data from the state level, unavailability of data at the state level etc. The four reference points have been used to look at a change in the wage rate. However, the choice of reference points in the study have been limited to the years 1983 and 1987-88 in the 80’s and 1993-94 in the 90’s. AWI Wage Rate: It is the most widely used source for analyzing trends in wage rate for rural India. However, one given problem noticed by the researcher with respect to AWI is the time lag in the data and the method of aggregating all the data for th states and all India level. There were many studies performed to check the average wage rate of labourer in different parts of India by many previous researchers. However in all these studies used simple average of wage rates in different months to arrive at the annual figures. Also, all these studies used population of agricultural labourers’ from the census as weights to arrive at the wage rate. The average AWI wage rate is 30-40 percent higher as compared to the RLE/NSS estimates of wage rates. It was also studied that the AWI wage rates were found to be marginally upwards biased as compared to the FMS estimates of wages. A look at the wage trends from AWI since 1980-81 suggests that the wage rates have generally been higher in Punjab, Haryana, and Kerala as compared to the other states in the 80’s. However, by the end of 1990, Gujarat and West Bengal have seen to have made a significant contribution and is closer to the traditional high wage rates. Rajasthan, on the other hand which was closer to the traditional high wage rates has fallen behind and is considerably lower than Kerala, Punjab and Haryana. The states on the lower ends of the wage rate are Orissa, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh. Kerala’s wage rate is found to be three times those in Orissa and in Punjab and Haryana they are twice the wage rate in Orissa. Wages have continued to grow in all three time periods but there was a significant slowdown in the wage rate during the period 1987-88 and 93-94. For the period 1987-88 to 1993-94, which also included the year of the financial crisis and the conseque nt economic reforms, wage rates show a deceleration in almost all the states as well as the all India level. This decline in the growth of wages is sharper for Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Wage trends from CACP – In the study it was found out that this wage rate had been created by aggregating over crops using crop specific weights for individual states. Wage rates from CACP are generally found to correlate well with the AWI series in spite of the differences in methodology of collection of data. In fact, for both 1983 and 1987-88, wage rates from CACP show a very high correlation coefficient of 0.95 with the AWI wage rates. It was also analyzed in the study that wage rates from CACP show better growth rates in 1987-88 and 1993-94 as compared to the AWI series. Rajasthan turns out to be an exception which showed markedly improved wage rates as showed by AWI wage series. Even for other states, CACP does not show as sharp a deceleration as AWI. Maharashtra on the other hand shows sharp deceleration in the wage rate during 1987-88 and 1993-94. NSS – These wage rates were found to be statistically more significant and reliable than that of AWI or CACP because of their consistent and superior sampling framework but they also allow for a much higher level of disaggregation. The wage rates reported by NSS for males for agricultural occupations are considerably lower than the wage rates reported by AWI. It was further studied that the NSS rates were very well correlated with the rates of AWI series with a correlation coefficient of around 0.9 in the 1980’s, 0.87 in 1993-94 and 0.95 in 1999-00. However, again for most states there was a deceleration in the growth rate during the next sub period that is, between 1987-88 and 1993-94. Except for the state of Gujarat, deceleration was seen for almost all states. Gaps between agricultural and non agricultural wages narrowed down considerably in Punjab and Rajasthan. West Bengal and Karnataka were found to be the states having the lowest divergence between agricultural a nd non agricultural activities. Comparison between agricultural and non agricultural activities gender wise was also performed. It was analyzed that the growth rates in these activities in males suggested that in 1983-84 and 87-88 agricultural wages grew faster than non agricultural wages. For females, however non agricultural wages grew faster than agricultural wages. RLE/ALE wage trends – RLE uses a subset of households from the NSS employment and unemployment quinquennial surveys. The household types are either self employed in agriculture, non agriculture, agriculture labour, other labour and others. A comparison of the wage rate from the NSS and the RLE reveal that there is a high degree of correlation between them especially in the 1990. This is true not only at the all India level but also at the state level. For the period from 1983-1987, growth rates from RLE were shown to be 70-80 percent higher than the ones shown by the NSS series in the study. The growth rate of the NS were similar to those studied by AWI or CACP for many states, however the RLE suggests growth rates higher than any of these. Further it was also studied that the growth rate of wages in agriculture are much higher than those suggested by NSS or CACP or AWI. There was also an inter range comparison done in this study to check the difference in wages under the RLE scheme. It was analyzed that comparing the 1977 RLE scheme to that of 1983, real wage rates declined by almost 10 percent for the latter. Such a decline in wage rate is not accompanied by any other wage estimates including those from NSS. WRRI Wage rates from eleven agricultural operations and seven non agricultural operations. For wage rates for agricultural operations, simple average of sowing, transplanting, weeding, harvesting, winnowing and threshing was taken as the representative wages. The analysis in the study was based for the years 1990-2000 and 2002-03. It was studied that the wage rates from WRRI for agriculture than those reported by NSS and RLE for males and almost 60 percent higher for females. WRRI estimates of wage rates are found to be closer to the CACP or AWI estimates because of similarity in methodology and sources. WRRI is the only estimate that is available after 1999-00. It was further analyzed in the study that the wage rates between male and female for agricultural occupations as well as non agricultural occupations have grown in real terms. Coming to the state wise analysis, Bihar and Orissa are the states that saw the highest growth rates of wages for both males and females. The other st ate that achieved close to 10 percent per annum growth rate of wages is Kerala. Apart from Kerala, the other two states – Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu saw slower growth rates of wages. Uttar Pradesh having a large concentration of poor and rural labourers witnessed growth rates of less than two percent in both agricultural and non agricultural operations.

Monday, August 19, 2019

War CANNOT Be Justified by any Party or any Reason Essay -- Critical Th

Have you heard about Korean War, which occurred in June, 25, 1950? The conflict between ideologies caused this war with tens of millions killed, millions of families separated, the country reduced to rubble, and a huge permanent scar on Korea’s culture. Then, Vietnam War, Gulf War, or Iraq war can sound familiar to you. Let’s change point to the number of dead bodies from wars themselves. Can you guess how many people got killed during all of those war periods? Only for Vietnam War, the true civilians of Vietnam War were two millions in the north, and another two millions in the south, and military causalities were 1.1 million killed and six hundreds thousand wounded during war. To finish a war, how many innocent people and soldiers have to get killed? Even if a war ended, who had the responsibilities about those deaths? Most of the modern wars were resulted from conflict of ideologies such as communism and capitalism. Since international relationships were settled down among countries, a war is not any more about one or two countries. For example, supporting troops were sent to South Korea during the Korean War by 16 different countries under U.N order. No matter which part achieved a victory, damages after war remained and hurt all of them. Can war be justified for any party or any reason? The answer is â€Å"No.† St. Augustine enunciated that a war can be justified only â€Å"when it is fought for a just cause† (qtd. in â€Å"Peace and War†). But what is a â€Å"just cause†? Everybody has a different definition and it can be totally subjective. In most modern cultures or most countries, war is accepted as an effective and justifiable way of protecting national interests and achieving diplomatic goals. It can be the just cause as St. Augu... veterans suffered brain damage after chemical exposure, study says† – November.30.1999 â€Å"Veterans with Gulf War syndrome have damage in specific, primitive portion of nervous system† – September.24.2004 â€Å"Guilty of war crimes - or victim of a feud with US soldiers?† – May.22.2003 â€Å"The desert ecology: another war victim† – March.27.2003 â€Å"Clinton announces new money for Gulf War syndrome research† – November.8.1997 â€Å"Gulf Link : Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses†

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Natural Childbirth is Superior to Drug Induced Childbirth Essay

I remember when my water bag broke; it was August 12, 1992, and the time was 12:15am.I was very excited that I would see my new baby on her due date. I did what the child birthing book recommended. I woke my husband up and told him to call the hospital. In the meantime I decided to take a shower. I was pretty calm because I didn't have any contractions. I wore my best maternity outfit and was spruced up compared to my husband. I even put on some perfume. You see, we had just gone to bed at 11:30 that night. My husband looked a little worse for wear. We got to the hospital and then were led into the maternity room. The room looked a little dingy with its yellow light and peeling paint. The hospital bed was small and narrow. I got scared, and I wanted my mother. My husband and I had moved to the States from the Middle East when I was seven months pregnant. We never had a chance to take any child birthing classes. I was nervous. A very pleasant-faced nurse came into the room to talk to us. My unfounded fears were brushed away by her calm demeanor. A few hours went by, the contractions started to get stronger, and I requested an epidural. After I got the epidural I didn't feel any pain at all. I was excited. I told my husband if this was how child birthing is, I was ready to have a brood like the Waltons. Then my labor pains stopped completely. My dilation stopped at seven centimeters. The doctor came in to check me and said that it would be better if they induced me. So I got a dose of pitocin. I felt pain like I had never before. I couldn't bear the pain of the contractions anymore. Finally, after twenty two hours of labor, the doctors told my husband that they would do an emergency Cesarean section. By then I was oblivious to al... ... experiences labor has a profound long term impact on her life. Goer, Henci. "Epidurals Myth Vs Reality." Childbirth Instructor Magazine Winter 1995: 17-22. I took a deep breath and pushed till I thought my eyeballs would pop out. In a gush she arrived, and they laid her on my chest where she immediately started to nurse. My husband started to cry for joy and I just had the biggest grin on my face. I did it, I did it!! Through the research I have done, I have found that you have choices in everything. The choice that I made was worth it -for me and my baby. Natural child birth is fulfilling, and I am thankful for all the help I got to make that happen. Choices in child birthing have to be made carefully and wisely by the family and their OB/GYN doctor. Information is vast in this country, and it is just a matter of educating yourself to make the right choices.

Dangers of Fast Food Essay -- Essays on Fast Food

It's quick, it's convenient, it's delicious. Fast food is the most popular quick-service nourishment. It plays an important roll in the lives that we humans so perfectly laid out for ourselves. Why try cooking when you can get food at a much faster rate? To most people, fast food is the answer to all of our problems. It is good in every possible way, or is it? Although some might deny the consequences, we all know there is a steep price to pay. So here by today, I am asking you to have a closer look at the hidden dangers. In my opinion, we should free the world of fast food because, not only are they adding the amount of cruelty to animals and draining money out of our pockets, they're also taking great risk of the health of billions of people. Ever since the world?s first fast food restaurant started business, it has been responsible for the death of 50 billion animals worldwide each year. It?s an astounding number, yet the slaughtering is still increasing rapidly. The irresistible taste of heaven keeps the cash coming in, and keeps the people addicted. ?Meat is an essential part of our food-chain.? One might say. ?We can?t all live our lives being vegetarians!? It?s true that we can?t stop the butchering of animals. But if you were to witness the horrifying pictures of slaughter houses, you?d think differently. The pigs all have their skin sliced open to revel the organs, while chickens hang with their furless wings flapping. Just because of our selfish needs, we?re treating them with violence and cruelty. It is time for some real action, to correct our mistakes. It was wrong in the first place, to slaughter others for our own benefits. And it would be more so, if we don?t put a stop to it. And because we humans are. .. ... convenience, and forget all the dangers? Do we want to pay the price of our physical condition just for better tasting food? If we get rid of fast food, we can not only help people make healthier choices, but also save the lives of millions of people. Having fast food makes our lives more convenient in all ways. You no longer have to wait in long line ups, and can get food at a much fast rate. Yet, how can we still permit fast food when it is doing harm to our society? They no only increase the slaughtering and death of billions of animals, but are also costing us more than we can afford. But not important of all, they are putting millions of lives at risk. Just for a quicker and more delicious meal. We must forbid fast food from ever reaching the shelves. And every time you open up a package of MacDonald?s ask yourself this question. ?Am I making the right choice