Monday, September 30, 2019

Childcare and Education Essay

E1.Identify 5 pieces of current legislation and E2. Describe how each legislation will influence working practices in the setting. The Human Rights Act 1998 is broken down into 5 key principles which are; Fairness, Respect, autonomy, dignity and equality. Equality would influence working principles because the children would be treated fairly by having their individual needs met to ensure the same outcome is achieved as the other children. Settings can maintain fairness and respect by having the practitioners in the setting following the same policies and procedures. This would also avoid conflict between staff and would not confuse the children with knowing their expectations. Another way settings can have respect in the setting could be by following parent’s preferences such as their food preferences for their child. My current placement follows parent’s preferences by having meals that are suitable for children without specific food preferences and set meals to meet cultural and health needs. Settings can promote autonomy by encouraging children to build on their life and social skills. This can be done by the setting providing games such as a simple board game where the children have to choose their game piece and where they have to turn take. This would also build on autonomy because it would teach children how to share and how to treat other children or people with a positive attitude. For an example if a child is an only child, they may not know how to share with other children, so playing a game that engages their interest would gradually teach the child how to build on his turn taking skills and how to interact positively with other children. In the setting, dignity can be maintained by removing situations where a child may feel embarrassed or ashamed. If a child wets their selves, the practitioner in the setting should take the child into the bathroom and change them. The practitioners shouldn’t draw the other children’s attention to the child who has had an accident. The child would need some comfort and reassurance as this situation is almost always very embarrassing and distressing. The Childcare Act 2006 focuses on adult to child ratios, qualification levels of staff and types of drinks and snacks available for the children and follows the early year’s foundation stage framework. This would influence working practices because it helps to keep the children healthy. This would influence working practices because it helps to keep the children healthy. Settings can follow the Childcare Act 2006 focuses by  providing fruit, milk and water at snack time. This can also be done by having playtime outside so that the children would get vitamin D and fresh air. Also the settings would provide meals with nutrition and are aware of dietary and cultural needs. The children act 1989 and 2004 aims to protect children by working in partnership with parents and by the every child matters which have five main principles: Be healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy and achieve through learning, achieve economic well-being and make a positive contribution to society. The Enjoy and achieve through learning will influence practice because it allows practitioners to cater for each child’s needs whilst ensuring that the children are enjoying what they are doing or learning. The Equality act 2010 has been simplified from 9 separate acts into 1 act. The main is to end all forms of discrimination. The protected characteristic of disability will help to influence practice as this will help practitioners be able to differentiate activities and to re-create the same experience using other methods or activities. The health and safety at work legislation is about keeping yourself and others safe. This will influence practice because it will ensure the utmost safety for both the children and staff of the setting. This can be done by having regular risk assessments and by finding a solution to any hazards. For an example, if there is spilt water, a staff member should mop it up as soon as possible to avoid staff or children slipping and being injured. E3. Describe how policies and procedures will help safeguard children. One policy could be the safeguarding policy. The safeguarding procedure helps to protect children because the setting would have a safe recruitment method to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children or are qualified to work with children legally. For an example, before I could start my placement and working with the children, I had to show my CRB check to my nursery’s placement officer. CRB checks helps to safeguard children because it would prevent anyone with a serious criminal offence or someone who could be a danger to children from working with them there for protecting the children from being mistreated or harmed. Another part of the safeguarding procedure that would safeguard children would be to have a designated person who has a clear and defined role and responsibility in regards to child protection. Having a designated person would help safeguard children  because they would be the person the practitioners should go to if there are concerns about a child’s safety or welfare concerns about the actions of a staff member. This would safeguard children as the designated person would be able to decide what actions need to be done in order to resume the child’s welfare or to decide what the disciplinary action is for the staff that has had the allegation made towards them. To avoid this, all staff should have regular child protection training. A separate policy could be the behaviour management policy. This policy would help safeguard children as it helps children to think about their actions and the consequences they may cause. When a child has behaved in an unwanted behaviour, the disciplinary guidelines should be taken. The disciplinary guidelines are Give verbal warning, Move the child away from the area and time out if the first two stages don’t work. The above verbal behaviour management methods should always only be used instead of physical contact. However, physical contact should only be used if you need to restrain a child if they are causing harm to their selves, other children and people or are damaging the settings property. It would help safeguard children because it would reduce the risk of the children being physically hurt and would maintain a safe learning and play environment. It is important that the setting outlines the behaviour because management procedures because it will give consistency to the children as the practitioner within the setting will follow the same set of rules enabling children to know the rules and expectations clearly. E4. Describe how the policies and procedures promote fair, Just and inclusive strategies. A procedure that promotes fair, just an inclusive strategy is adapting resources to meet children’s needs. This can be done by having a range of equipment that helps children and their individual needs. This can be done by providing a range of different sized paint brushes and sponges for an example. This would allow children to develop their creative skills and interests whilst being able to develop their fine motor skills. A policy that promotes fair, just and inclusive strategy is the equal opportunities policy. This policy helps to include children because everyone in the setting has the right to be included in everything the setting does and every child has the right to education and developing their skills. Equal opportunities policy will also help children to feel valued and have their  progress and achievements celebrated. This can be done by displaying children’s artwork, creations and other outstanding work on a display board for all parents and staff to see. Another procedure that promotes fair, just and inclusive strategy is by showing awareness of different cultures and life styles. This can be done by having related activities or circle time celebrating different cultures, religions, life styles and things that challenge normal expectations. For an example; ‘all nurses are female’. This is inclusive practice because it involves every child’s cultural preferences and builds on children’s knowledge and understanding about the world we live in. Another policy that promotes fair, just and inclusive strategy is the Special Education Needs (SEN) policy. This policy allows every child to have the same care, attention and consideration as any other child in the setting, regardless of their disability or background. The policy states that every setting should have a SENCO worker and responsibility in adapting and adjusting the settings environment to help children have the same experience in the setting whilst having their individual needs met. This can be done by having braille books for children with a sight impairment or provide easy access in the building for wheel chair users. E5.Describe two strategies which can be used to empower children to develop independence and self-reliance One strategy that could empower children to become independent and self-reliant could be by having circle time regularly. Circle time should allow children to express their thoughts and feelings with the security of being listened to. Another strategy that would enable children to be independent and self-reliant would be to take part in food preparations such as choosing what fruit they’d like for snack time and cutting the fruit themselves. E6. Give examples of how settings may prepare children for transfer or transitions â€Å"transitions into reception classes was at best abrupt and worst traumatic† (Scott,(2005),P21) One way settings can prepare children for transfer or transitions could be by the child’s key worker taking the child to open days or visits. This would allow the child to familiarize their selves with the new teachers or key people who would be working with them as this would also make the child feel comfortable with going to the setting as they know somebody who they can talk to. Another way setting can prepare children for transitions could be by having learning partners or mentors who are older children from the setting where some of the children may be moving up to. This would help children to build relationships so that they feel confident in moving up to the setting because they’d know another child there. Final ways setting can help prepare children for transitions could be by having individual transition plans for each child. The setting would need to â€Å"make time to share previous information† (Scott,(2005),P21) to the setting that the child is transferring to because this would allow the teachers to cater and plan for the child’s needs and interests. D1. Explain the key issues relating to the practice which supports children to prepare for transitions One key issue relating to supporting children through transitions when starting nursery could be to follow a settling in procedure. The Settling in procedure often involves havin g the parent and child having a visit before the child’s official starting date. Having a visit before the child’s starting date will help the child to become more familiar with the setting. In time the child should feel more comfortable with going to the setting. The settling procedure also involves working in partnership with the parents. If the child sees the parent interacting with the staff members, it is more likely that the child will feel secure in the setting. Another key issue relating to supporting children through transitions when starting primary school would be to create a time where the children are involved. For an example, an activity could be to have a show and tell circle time, where the child brings in something from the weekend or something to do with the set topic and talks about it. This would help a child to settle in a primary school because it would give the child a chance to be involved with the class and have their discussions listened to. A third key issue relating to supporting children through transitions when starting nursery would be to find out what the child’s favourite toys are and put them out for the child to play with when they come into nursery. Also, to make the child feel welcomed, the practitio ner should also provide a range of appropriate activities for the children and always give the child an opportunity for them to participate in the activities as much or as little as they like. An alternative key issue relating to supporting children through transitions  when starting primary school would be to work in partnership with parents. This can be done by having notice boards around the school which has features such as â€Å"most improved child†, â€Å"Little stars† (Where children are placed here for good work or for doing something kind etc†¦) and put the child who is starting in the primary school on the notice board. This would make the child and parent feel proud and would give the child a sense of achievement which hopefully would make the child want to enjoy and participate in the school more. An alternative key issue relating to supporting children through transitions when starting nursery could be by providing opportunities for the child to express their feelings. This can be done by having regular one to ones with the child and their key worker, Having areas for the children to independently draw and write in addition to having â€Å"End of the day† circle time where the children have the freedom to say what they liked about the day or what they didn’t like. This will help the practitioners in the setting know what the children really engage in and which activities they don’t like to participate in. Also It would help the practitioners learn more about the child who is starting in the nursery as it will help the practitioners provide more activities that the child is interested in. Hopefully in time, this will help the child to enjoy nursery more. A final key issue relating to supporting children through transitions when starting primary school would be to help the child develop self-help skills. This can be done by encouraging the child to take responsibility for their selves, such as putting on their coats or helping to tidy up the classroom. This would help the child settle in nursery because this give the child a sense of accomplishment and would also build on their self-esteem with the thought of â€Å"I can do that† and being able to try new things. Also helping to build on the child’s self-help skills will also help to â€Å"practice their large and small motor skills† ( C1.Evaluate one theoretical perspective which supports the development of strategies for empowering children I have chosen the constructivist theory. The theoretical perspective links in with strategies that empower children because it helps children become self-reliant. This theory also influences practice because it helps the child care practitioners to assist the children build on vital life skills such as  making decisions and communicating. For an example, at my placement during snack time, the children have a choice of milk or water. The children either has to point to or say the drink they’d like to have. This encourages children to language and encourages them to start to take responsibly for their own wellbeing. This theory also influences practice because it helps the childcare practitioners to define children who has specific needs or children who needs extra support as they may not be developing in the developmental areas as they should. The good element to this theory is that children learn to build on the child’s life skills such as becoming more self-reliant. The theory is also good because play is important as it lets children use imagination and responsibility of the child’s learning. It also helps to build on the child’s fine and gross motor skills. However, the bad points about this theory are that children develop little without an adult although staff shouldn’t allow the children to be too attached to them as the children wouldn’t interact very well with children their age as well as giving children adequate help and support so that the child can learn to be self-reliant so that in the future they, they would be able to achieve more without much support from the adult. The theory can be improved by ensuring that the staff should try and make sure that the sessions within the setting are 50% adult led and 50% child led as this would help the children to form knowledge and understanding of the world because of accurate information being shared by the childcare practitioner and will allow the children to take an active role in choosing what they’d like to learn. For an example, a child may choose to play with toy animals. To a person, the child is just playing but the child could actually be learning about the different types and sub-species of animals in a basic and simple form. In addition to this, having a balanced adult and child led setting will help children to get an equal opportunity to interact with both adult and children. E7.Exaplain the cause and effects of discrimination on children B1.Discuss  how the causes and effects of discrimination may affect practice in the setting. The staff attitudes and values can affect the atmosphere because the childcare practitioners may unintentionally teach children that it is okay to discriminate people. For an example, if a member of staff said â€Å"all ginger children are violent and aggressive†, this could influence children because it may make the children tease or leave out other children who have ginger hair during play time. It also may affect the way the practitioners work and teach because the practitioners might interact with a group of children and leave out a child because of their views. This affects the children because it â€Å"children can quickly pick up the signs given out and they can sense if there is tension† in addition to making the child feel undervalued and not accepted which can make the child withdraw from activities and communicating with other adults and children or could trigger bad behaviour. Settings should show respect for the parents and families by respecting the parents or families’ choices and requests within reason as this would show inclusion. For an example, if a parent prefers their child to be vegetarian the setting should provide vegetarian food whereas if a parent asks for a child not to play with a toy/or do an activity, the staff should challenge it every child has the right to have an equal opportunity. This can affect the practice within the setting because the practitioners may have a stereotypical view about children such as girls should wear dresses and play in the home corner whereas boys should only play with construction activities. This affects the child because it would make the child feel like they are not unique as they may become fearful of doing new activities as they have been told off or been influenced to only do what the adults say. In my nursery they avoid being discriminative by providing food options suitable for a range of cultural preferences, the setting will make sure that the child will have a vegetarian meal. Discrimination can affect children because it can make them feel awkward if there aren’t many posters, books, toys or other resources that would help other children learn about diversity, different cultures and different lifestyles that may challenge the ‘norm’. For an example not all men go to work and not all women stay at home to look after the children. Note: This answer is wrong A .Reflect on the influence of legislation on working practices within early years settings. One policy could be the behavior management policy. This policy would help safeguard children as it helps children to think about their actions and the consequences they may cause. When a child has behaved in an unwanted behavior, the disciplinary guidelines should be taken. The disciplinary guidelines are Give verbal warning, Move the child away from the area and time out if the first two stages don’t work. The above verbal behavior management methods should always only be used instead of physical contact. However, physical contact should be used if you need to restrain a child if they are causing harm to their selves, other children and people or are damaging the settings property. It is important for the setting to outline the behavior management procedure to ensure adults know the limits and boundaries so that staff doesn’t receive allegations about harming children. Another legislation that influences practices within early year settings could be the safe guarding policy. This policy ensures that all children are safe and are kept from harm or neglect. The safeguarding policy and procedure influences practices in the early years setting because it is the staff within the settings role because they take on the parental responsibility to take care of the child. There should always have a designated person who staff can go to when there are concerns for a child’s welfare or if the staff member needs advice on their role within the setting or to provide safe guarding inductions for new staff. This influences settings because the designated person makes sure that the children’s welfare is paramount as well as ensuring that the child protection policy is updated yearly. This would help to make sure that the settings child protection policy is following the current laws about safeguarding children. [quote here] . Another role of the designated person would be to make sure the staff members within the setting has child protection training every two to three years and is recorded to make sure that the staffs is complying to the law. (2012 ). Ways to Encourage Self-Help Skills in Children. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 29 November 2012 ].

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Good Hotel Doing Good Doing Well

Good Hotel:Doing Good Doing Well Introduction: Joie De Vivre Hotels Company was found in back in 1987 in San Francisco by Chip Conley. Conley started from opening a Phoeonix Hotel in San Franciso. His first priority or targeted customer were of rock bands, musicians and film makers who mostyly travels for their projects and he me travel agents through out the America and proposed some free massage for tour manager during their stay in the hotel to attract the customer and make them stay in his hotel. And this worked and Conley was successful in making some of nationally known entertainers stay in his hotel.Joie De Vivre is a company which has entire business based in San Francisco and because of which it was negatively impacted by the incident of 9/11 and there was substantial turndown. Joie De Vivre began to expand its network out of San Franciso from 2005 by opening Hotel Angeleno in Los Angeles likewise in 2009 they opened other hotel in different place to spread the market of the ir company more wider. They opened Shorebreak hotel in Huntington Beach,Hotel Erwin in Venice Beach and Pacific Edge Hotel in Laguna Beach. Strategy Plan Of Joie De Vivre'sENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The mission of Joie De Vivre Green Dreams is to prevent the environment and educate not only emplyees but also cutomer to reduce waste and toxins,make the environment a eco-friendly environment and always true to reuse,recylce and reduce the waste. Joie De Vivre is also working to get their hotels a green certificate by their local city or country to show their commitment for the environment and Green Dreams. Joie De Vivre uses the following policies and practices for the Green Dreams to come true: Reduce,Reuse and RecyclePurchasing Environmental Friendly Products Conserve Energy,water and natural resources Generate clean energy through on-site solar production Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Joie de Vivre try to reduce the wastage by reusing and recycying all the papers,cans,bottles and all the wa ste food and landscape waste. Even when they donates to the charutable organizations they donate those items which can be reused so that they can make other people also play a role in Dream Green project. Toxics Reduction and Environmentally Preferable PurchasingJoie De Vivre always are on the side of not using toxic materials to protect the health of the both employee and guest as well as the environmental health also. They reduce the use of toxic materials as much as they can and they safely recycle the toxic products for reusing it again. They minimize the use of mercury lamps and try not to use them whenever it is possible. They always try to purchase the recycled products. Conserve They conserve the fossil fuels by encouraging the use of public transport rather then private transport to their guest as well as their employee which make thems save fuel.They encourage carpooling among their staff and also by taking part in spare the air campaigns they are conserving the environmen t. Employee Education They train and educate their staff how to reuse,recyle and reduce the cost. This will not only help in making the Green Dream success but it will alse make their employee in their daily life as well . Not only in work but this will help them in their home to reduce,recycle and reuse the waste which they can.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Was the Most Important Reason for Punishing the Killers of James Bulger

What was the most important reason for punishing the killers of James Bulger? The James Bulger case was the trial of the two boys, John Venables and Robert Thompson who in Merseyside, Liverpool, on the 12th February 1993 abducted and Murdered a 2 year old boy named James Bulger. The two boys were 10 at the time, however, in court were charged and convicted as adults due to the wickedness of the crime and the detectives believing that the boys were simply innately evil, and couldn’t have possibly learnt such behaviour.The boys were originally given a sentence of 15 years however it was shortened to 8. But what was the most important reason for punishing the two killers? One of the reasons that the boys were punished was too to protect society. Personally I think that protection was an important reason to punish the boys, because they were clearly unstable, meaning that it was highly possible they could do a similar crime again.I think that not many people would disagree, and I think that parents of young children living in Merseyside would agree strongly, as they would feel their kids were highly unsafe knowing that there were people like them in their neighbourhood. Another possible reason for the punishment of the two boys was deterrence, or to put others off doing a similar crime by making an example of the boys. I generally think that deterrent is an important reason for punishment as it stops others from doing the crime.For example in Singapore you are fined for chewing gum, meaning there is a lot less gum on the streets, however in this case I think that deterrence should not have been one of the most important reasons for the punishment because it was an extremely unusual crime as most 10 year olds do not have the mind set to kill another child, therefor there would be almost nobody to put off from doing it in the first place, however if the court were trying to make the boys a deterrent; I don’t think they did a very good job, as the boys w ere only given 8 years (which I personally think was to little considering the nature of the crime ).I think some people may disagree with me and say that they should be made a deterrent as other kids might be influenced by their actions. Another possible aim for the punishment was to rehabilitate the boys and make them into contributing members of society through giving them one to one teaching ( paid for by tax payers ) despite it being better than most normal children’s education. Personally I think that they did not deserve a good education for committing such a horrific crime, many people agree with this as at the time people said â€Å"they were living a life of luxury†.I think some people might say that it was good to rehabilitate them so they could become normal members of society and get jobs. Which could be true as it has been proven that there are not enough genes in us to program behaviour. However I don’t think that the boys could have picked up tha t kind of behaviour, also the fact that they showed no remorse for what they had done after the trial, only strengthens my argument. One of the main aims of punishing the boys was retribution. The boys had to pay for what they had done.Personally I think that had they been given a longer sentence that would have been enough, however some people had more extreme views for example Ralph Bulger said he would hunt down the killers, and others admitted they would be willing to pay the price for revenge. However a lot of people would disagree especially the government, as they would not what people to take the law into their own hands. The final possible aim for the punishment was vindication, meaning the law must be upheld.I think this is important because they had to be punished because of their crime, if they had gone unpunished other people might think they could get away with it. I don’t think anybody would disagree with me. In conclusion I think that the most important reason for punishing John Venables and Robert Thompson was retribution, due to how horrific the crime was. Personally I think that they were pure evil, as they didn’t even try to help their own case by showing remorse for their actions.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Breaking bad news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Breaking bad news - Essay Example However, older people exhibit diseases and shorter life span because of bad treatment. In other words, the society and its communication to these people play a large part in health care services. A health care professional always thinks of a way on how to break bad news to patients. For these people, it is essential, difficult and often the most critical part of healthcare communication. For some, breaking bad news to patients is an innate skill. Patients have a hard time disclosing their feelings or find it necessary to establish a relationship of trust to be able to more easily accept the disclosure of such news. Presenting bad news to patients may give a negative result that may in turn lead to serious harm. All of these beliefs are made with a strong sense of suspicion; breaking bad news to patients is a skill learned rather than a talent. Medical doctors, for example, have in their education an area of learning good communication skills that entails a long period of learning (Back, 1999). Preparations – in ethical terms, the atmosphere provided should be private on both the part of the patient and the medical professional. In general, patients have varying needs; hence, it is appropriate to discuss with the patient who he/she wants to be the recipients of the information and major decisions like how much should be the information. Statements such as â€Å"How are you feeling right now?† would help the patient prepare himself for a two-way affair. Finding out how much the patient knows – in such aspect asking a question such as â€Å"What have already been told about your illness?† may be essential. This approach would likely measure the patient’s knowledge about his/her illness. It is also appropriate to ask patients how much they have understood on the information given, the patient’s level of technical comprehension and most of all is his/her emotional status. Finding out how much the patient’s capacity of accepting

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hair ans Fiber Analysis Relating to Homicides Research Paper

Hair ans Fiber Analysis Relating to Homicides - Research Paper Example â€Å"Anthropology is the study of humans, their culture and their biology. Anthropology can be divided into the study of human biology and human culture† (Houck & Siegel 183). This includes the study of the past and present elements and features of a given social classification of people. Forensic anthropology therefore seeks to merge the concept of anthropology with forensic sciences which provides evidence based on the unique features of a given perpetrator of a murder. This means that forensic anthropology makes the use of social grouping and classification to match the features of a given suspect to provide the broad classification of the possible perpetrator of a given crime. Aside being used in courts, forensic anthropology may be of use in the investigation of human rights abuses like genocides and the examination of mass graves to attain further details of crimes (Haviland et al 10). Details of skeletal anatomy can help establish various social classifications of vict ims like age, sex, population affiliation and stature of deceased (Haviland et al 10). The differences between people can be attributed to several factors and situations. This is the main essence of anthropology. It seeks to study our differences based on our unique features and skeletal structures. Forensic anthropology therefore try to apply our differences based on dominant findings in relation to â€Å"... human evolution, paleopathology (study of bone diseases in antiquity), physiology and morpoplogical adaptatiosn to various environmental conditions and osteology (study of bone structures† (Brickley & Ferllini 5). These differences ultimately lays the foundation for the identification of differences amongst people. This provides the basis for the classification of victims and their murderers. This can therefore become the basis for the identification of these people in a competent court of judicature and the ultimate conviction of such perpetrators. However, the use of forensic anthropology in a court of law can come with difficulties. This is because there is the need for some standards to be observed in the usage of external evidence in a trial which can determine the future of a suspect. It is therefore necessary for some safeguards to be erected to prevent the misuse of anthropology in court cases and the broad generalizations of situations that could potentially cause the miscarriage of justice. This paper examines the use of hair and fiber analysis, a sub-unit of forensic anthropology as evidence in court. It examines the components of hair and fiber analysis in homicide cases and its appropriateness as evidence in court. It looks at the various cases where it has been used and its limitations in court cases. In arriving at this end, two major landmark cases will be examined: the OJ Simpson Trial (1994) and the Daubert Case (1993). Hair & Fiber Analysis in Homicide â€Å"Hair and fiber analysis are important to examine a victim and events t hat took place at the place of murder through to the place of dumping the body† (Houck 123). This implies that hair and fiber analysis can provide important components of a murderer in a case that can enable the identification of such a criminal to come much easier. Hair and fiber analysis provide a way through which the hair of the perpetrators of a murder which fell off at the scene of the crime

Regina foodbank Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regina foodbank - Research Paper Example They provide invaluable training and health services, as well as education programs. Its vision is to create a hunger free community (Regina Food Bank N.P). To live a healthy lifestyle involves being able to access affordable and nutritious food. This is easily achieved by individuals with adequate family income. Families with financial difficulties usually forego money meant for food to take care of other expenses such as medications, utilities, rent and other household needs. Food insecurity does not have boundaries no matter which part of Canada one comes from but there those who are more vulnerable than others. They include those who do not own a home, and those with low income. The Regina Food Bank recognizes such individuals in their plans for a hunger free community. Researchers have shown that food insecurity has adverse effects physically or mentally on an individual. These effects include chronic health conditions like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. The mental effects are depression, stress and anxiety. Moreover, food insecurity negatively impacts on the children in the community. The early stages of a child development are crucial for a person, and in the advent of poor nutrition practices and food insecurity can lead impaired growth and development in the child which may be translated into poor health outcomes during their adulthood lives. Regina mission offers to avoid such problems and complications. Due to the rapid technological advancements the cost of living increases yearly and more people tend to be dependable on food banks. Regina Food Bank receives an increase in the clients it serves annually with majority of its recipients being children. Majority of its client’s primary source of income comes from social assistance. The majority of their clients’ monthly income is used for rental and food purposes which leaves little or no money for

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Intended meaning in words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intended meaning in words - Essay Example For the fact, efforts to guard against words, to set up barriers, to act defensively, are destined to failure. Even if acceptance of racial words by their target groups has some negative components, it is eventually the only practical option available to them because it is the only option that fights back rather than just trying to resist. The claim that approval of racial words by their targets is becoming popular, at least in the sense it is frequently used, is far from the truth. Modifying the connotations of these words to include, as Gloria Naylor puts it, "a disembodied force that channeled their past history of struggle and present survival against the odds into a victorious statement of being† (Naylor 408) this is not satisfaction with defeat. Naylor’s family gives both positive and negative meanings to the word "nigger." The group toward whom they are least respectful, whether they are using the word or not are not blacks or whites in general but rather blacks with "a lack of self-respect.†Use of "nigger" to describe this group does not identify the speaker with that condition it rather, separates him or her from it. In other contexts this word carries other meanings, but this particular context proves that it need not relate to the same group with every use. Words as Naylor mentions are nothing more than "a nonsensical arrangement of sounds or letters that assigns meaning." (Naylor 406) Even if words can carry connotations of discrimination there is no subconscious accepted meaning of the word there is only an intended meaning and a method for passing on that meaning to a particular audience. Christine Leong adds on this with

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critiques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critiques - Essay Example Also, one may not know the limit of how much information the client should e given before they make a decision and hence may end up giving too much information. Before one can give consent, there are four elements of informed consent that a client needs to have. These are competence, voluntariness, full information and comprehension. A client must in all instances be able to consent to treatment without hindering factors. These factors include lack of adequate information or the inability to understand the information given since in most instances; it is expressed in some to understand medical jargon. In as much as a client could be willing allow the collection and keeping of information regarding them, there arises the question of confidentiality. Many at times, confidentiality of the right to privileged communication is breached. The fear of client’s information being shared with third parties is an enormous hindrance to successful medical services as clients may not be willing to give truthful of information regarding their conditions. More so, not all countries recognize the right of privileged communication and thus there is no guarantee of confidentiality. All medical practitioners are required to warn clients and their close affiliates of nay risks of infection, side effects associated with treatments or any harmful behavior of patients such as violence. This is quite contradictory in regard to confidentiality that should be enjoyed by clients. It may also be quite impossible to warn a dying patient on the harmful side effects of a drug when the best thing to do is save their lives. Some clients may be threatening to commit suicide hence calling for intervention and the need to warn the family members or other authorities in charge of them. Clients could have consented to treatment and record keeping believing that their information will be treated with confidentiality. However, cases may arise that call for access

Monday, September 23, 2019

From world cities to gateway cities & Extending the boundaries of Coursework

From world cities to gateway cities & Extending the boundaries of Globalization theory - Coursework Example Still, there is a lack of attention paid to the cities with less number of populations than in the world’s largest cities. The crucial importance of Globalization theory in the modern context can be seen in its ability to transform the world’s society attitude to the gateway cities as potential global cities, but with their own cultural, political and economic potential. Thus, it is more interesting to discuss the way globalization causes a negative impact on â€Å"gateway cities†. This term, created by Grant (1999) and Grant and Nijman (2000) implies that any city may be a medium for economic, cultural and political relations exchange. Urban experience of the process of globalization has numerous peculiarities and it plays the same crucial role as the experience of the world’s cities (Short et al, 2000). The impact of globalization is evident is even in the small cities. Moreover, a process of globalization emerges in every city and influences on certain aspect of the cities. For example, Prague has been subjected to cultural globalization, Seattle, Sioux Falls were transformed into economic centers. A process of globalization is mediated by means of global cultural models.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Example for Free

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Letter From Birmingham City Jail: An Appeal of Logic, Emotions, and Personal Conviction In persuasive essays, authors attempt to help their readers consider a point by using a variety of techniques to present their arguments. To captivate a reader’s attention in an appealing way, they offer logical reasoning, emotional testimonies, and their own personal convictions to present different arguments in favor of their platform. These three phenomena, known as logos, pathos, and ethos, are valuable tools in any writer’s work. In â€Å"Letter from Birmingham City Jail,† Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. writes to the clergymen as an argument supporting civil disobedience, asserting his mission to end segregation through a series of peaceful protests. In order to inspire his captive audience, Martin Luther King effectively uses ethos, pathos, and logos throughout the letter to reinforce his persuasive appeals. One way authors present their arguments is through a series of logical appeals and reasoning, which is partly what â€Å"Letter From Birmingham City Jail† aims to do. This concept, called logos, is the presentation of different key ideas. From the opening of his letter, King clearly states his objective, â€Å"To try and answer [the clergy’s] statements† regarding his â€Å"unwise and untimely† protests (King 205). However, to merely state his arguments is not enough. Reading the World explains, â€Å"while evidence provides the basis for an argument’s support, how we apply logic to that evidence is part of how we make that argument effective† (Austin 597). To justify reasons by explaining their motives is key to persuasion. What exactly is King’s objective in organizing silent protests? He explains: â€Å"I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that the present tension in the South is a necessary phase of the transition from an obnoxious negative peace†¦we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with† (King 209). King justifies protests against segregation by arguing that white city officials do not recognize the connection between social justice and law and order. He wants them to make the association and realize segregation in the south is the true source of racial tension. Once segregation laws become lifted, such rigidity would be relieved. In sum, ethos, pathos, and logos are all necessary and equally important criteria in composing a persuasive letter or document. In utilizing the three, Martin Luther King is able to present a logical argument in favor of desegregation backed with emotional support in a professional format. â€Å"Letter to Birmingham City Jail† was a significantly influential piece of writing during the Civil Rights Movement and drew a substantial amount of awareness towards advancement in racial equality. Had King not made use of all three, his letter may not have been as effective, or might have never contributed to the end of segregation as we know it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Location Privacy in Wireless Networks

Location Privacy in Wireless Networks ARUN TEJA KANUKOLU Introduction: In the past decade we have an enormous development of different wireless technologies a lot of wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth are being implemented. With the development of wireless technologies and the convenience they provide in the aspects of space and time they are being widely used and there comes numerous security issues. A lot of work has been done in the areas of wireless network security but all of which has done only on securing the content or data that is being transferred between devices. The Location privacy has been ignored from the initial stages of development of wireless networks. If the location privacy has been ignored, the users of the wireless networks has to face serious problems. The attacker may not steal data because we use a lot of security techniques like encryption to protect the data but the user and the physical location of the user is always in danger. The attacker may take advantage of this and may threaten him physically or mentally. In order to preserve the location privacy of the user, here I propose a transactional based model in which all the send and receive operations performed from an user are not related to each other hence the location privacy is preserved. TRACKING THE USERS LOCATION: Many localization algorithms have been implemented and are in use which can be used to trace the approximate location of the user based on the packets sent and received. A users many transmissions will simply be correlated if all the transmissions come from an equivalent supply address, and therefore the aggressor will read the supply addresses from every packet. During this section, we have a tendency to demonstrate another supply of knowledge by assumptive that associate degree aggressor cannot decode a users packets, however still needs to be ready to track users around the network. For instance, a user could use sturdy coding, or the aggressor could have insufficient sophistication to create custom Hardware for packet secret writing, however will live the signal and noise levels at a spread of locations. Existing localization algorithms permit every transmission to be narrowed right down to a specific location. These individual transmissions will then be correlate using a quality model, as we have a tendency to describe below. Here I discuss some of the existing algorithms. LOCALIZATION USING RSS (received signal strength): Received signal strength is the reliable and free of cost way of tracking the user’s location. Where, PT Transmitted power calculated in dB RSS is the received signal strength in dB P(d0) is the Path loss in dBm at a distance of d0 N is the Path loss exponent There are several other ways of tracking the user location. Many of the previous researchers used the probability functions to find the location of the user. Although the exact location cannot be found using these probability models an almost approximate location can be easily found. Suppose we trace a location and there are 10 suspects, we can filter them to find the original wireless user that is being attacked. Controlling access at base stations: Since the readying of base stations has an associated price, the network operator should be stipendiary for the employment of the network. One way of achieving this results to want every licensed network node to carry a bit of secure hardware with a isosceles key shared by all network users. A network of affordable size cannot utterly believe on this mechanism to stay a determined aggressor from collaborating in the network. As a result, we have a tendency to explore techniques for confirmative that a user is a component of the network. We use blind signatures in an exceedingly manner that parallels their use in electronic cash: a legitimate user generates variety of public keys, each of that we have a tendency to decision Associate in Nursing identity. The user blinds them (so the network supplier will sign them while not seeing them), and presents them to the network supplier. The network supplier signs these keys and returns them to the user, United Nations agency unblinds them. every key signed in this manner could be a kind of certificate that proves that the identity corresponds to a legitimate user, although the actual user cannot be determined. Secured routing: In order to forestall a malicious node from disrupting routing, the ad hoc networking analysis community continues to explore secure routing protocols Any of those protocols might be slightly modied to figure inside our spec. Depending on user necessities, AN anonymous routing protocol, such as ANODR, might give additional fascinating properties. To show however wed adapt a secure routing protocol to our design, we must take into account AN on-demand routing protocol. We must allow a base station to reply to any Route Discovery; but, because there are a restricted range of base stations and their keys are easily pre-distributed, they will simply send and demonstrate RREPs. We should additionally adapt the prevailing protocols to settle on routes which will traverse  a base station; in hop-by-hop routing, one technique is to own  a node forward the packet to the nearer of the destination node or the  nearest base station, unless the packet is distributed by a base station, in  which case we tend to neer route it to a base station. once a base station receives  a packet, it forwards it to the suitable base station supported  the destinations geographical address. the bottom station with that  the destination is associated then encapsulates the packet so forwarding  nodes apprehend that the packet has already traversed the bottom  station. Periodic protocols will use constant forwarding logic. UNLINKABLE WRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: In this section I propose a transaction based model in which any send and receive functions are not co-related to each other which preserves the location privacy of the user hence our goal is accomplished. Location can only be tracked if the senders address is the same for a period of time. We create a phenomena called random silent period for a node. In that time the sender will not send any thing. The mobile node keep on changing its addresses between different transactions it performs. It can be in synchronization with the base station and mobile station. When a user starts data exchange between other node, it keep on updating the change of address for every send and receive operation and it also makes aware of the new change in address with the receiver. For this system implementation, we should make changes in everything like user registration with the base station and addressing and giving the access to the mobile users. For addressing these nodes we completely change our ip addressing scheme from ipv4 to ipv6. If we use the ipv4 addresses, they are limited in number and hence they may cause collisions. These ipv6 addresses comprised of base station addresses and a reference variable to the users identity. A legitimate user generates variety of public keys, each of that we have a tendency to decision AN identity. The user blinds them so the network supplier will sign them while not seeing them, and presents them to the network supplier. The network supplier signs these keys and returns them to the user, UN agency unblinds them. Every key signed in this method could be a certificate that proves that the identity corresponds to a legitimate user, although the actual user cant be determined. REFERENCES:

Friday, September 20, 2019

The History of Ideology

The History of Ideology Its easy to say that ideology is something that belongs to mind, or to words that are easier to understand than to think. Thinking is what we do every day; this is the way I answered the question related to ideology. So in this essay, I will take a deeper look at the term ideology in of Marxism and why his idea is famous in anti-capitalism. Ideology is a system of perspectives, ideas, and these built on a philosophical foundation through a consistent worldview and methodology. They represent the will and aspirations of a class, people, formed by individual practices, and back to direct the training, to improve reality. Any thought is due to the physical conditions of life, the social order and the reflection of the material situation of the secular regime. Since the emergence of private ownership and associated with it the division of society into classes: domination and power, oppression and oppression In social consciousness also began to appear and constantly develop ideas expressing the opposition of interests, the struggle between classes. I will refute this view as follows: as I cannot point to any person and say I have no idea. Maybe the thoughts in his head did not form a scholastic system, or it consisted of the fragmented parts of different academic theories. But not so that I was entitled to say that he has no idea at all. For example, when it comes to accepting a particular set of problems A B C D E, he only resolves to take AB, but refuses to recognize C D, and ignores E; Then we say that he has conservative thoughts. Apparently, thinking has been transformed into action that does not exist in the literary form anymore. Thus, one can say that thought not only exists in the shape of educational theoretical systems but that it only makes it easy to approach thought. Zizek has explained his idea of ideology through a trash can or can understand that a system, he explained that ideology let us be controlled inside a system (Japhy, 2017, 3/2). But he also emphasized the importance of ideology that they give human motivation a reason to exist in life. Later, major ideas in the world were used to highlight the two great ideas capitalist, and communist. Its the model that states in the world are doing. And through propaganda activities in all forms such as the media, no matter what the issue is, is a message to make sure that the ideology is still favored by the people while under control. (Japhy, 2017, 3/2) Zizek also explained the vitality, the existence of the capitalist economy on how to promote such strength. He argues that it is the competitive market that is a free market, so firms will always want to reach out to and serve the consumer. That this product is better than the competitors product. It is the consumers appetite that creates a circulation for the developed market when the consumers desire is endless. The more you drink, the thirstier you get. This has created an impetus that invisibly promotes the market in creating jobs for the working-class. Ideology is to be understood as fetishism. It is used as a material to control human thinking and their beliefs. And that is the origin of capitalism. It gives money power to control people. They are willing to do everything to get it. Because of the obvious truth, the human is living in the secular age. That everything can be traded together. And that is one of the features of capitalism when it raises the issue of a free market where labor is cashed (Japhy, 2017, 10/2). But Marx also posed a problem that was the imbalance of capitalism. Smith argued that the individuals pursuit of self-interest would lead to an outcome beneficial to all, whereas Marx argued that the pursuit of self-interest would lead to anarchy, crisis, and the dissolution of the private property-based system itself. . . . Smith spoke of the invisible hand guiding individual, self-interested agents to perform those actions that would be, despite their lack of concern for such an outcome, socially optimal; for Marxism the simile is the iron fist of competition, pulverizing the workers and making them worse off than they would be in another feasible system, namely, one based on the social or public ownership of property (Roemer 1988, 2-3). But Marx also posed a problem that was the imbalance of capitalism. Because life is not balanced, there is a difference in class. Marx argues that this difference is due to the capitalist class, or the em ployer, who values the labor force, not in proportion to what the worker pays. On the contrary, the products are sold at high prices beyond the affordability of employees. And then the question is why the money is just a symbolic, unrealistic value that is represented by the numbers on paper but is so influential in human life. After Marx pointed out the basics of capitalism, launched the world workers movement, through the struggles of workers, of national liberation movements, Capitalism had self-correcting, economic and political theories born in the twentieth century have significantly contributed to changing the face of capitalism. In 1990 at a Paris symposium on Marx, the invited President stated that Marx was the savior of capitalism for pointing out its fundamental errors. Actually, about form, capitalism has changed a lot. But the nature of capitalism cannot be modified. That nature is a profitable, profitable way, including the adoption of political and military activities. Instead of forming a direct domination, capitalism creates an entirely democratically controlled state that is completely dependent on the political economy. Karl Marx argues that communism will be the final stage of history, achieved through a proletarian revolution. In communist society, decisions about what to produce and pursue policies are democratically chosen, allowing all members of society to participate in decision-making in both areas, political and economic. The production and distribution of wealth are reasonably made among citizens. Karl Marx never described in detail how communism would function as a socio-economic system, but it was understood that a communist economy would be based on the idea of equal share among its citizens. Marx asserts that the only way to solve these problems is by the working class (proletarians), who according to Marx are the main force that produces material wealth in society and are privately owned. The exploitative (bourgeois) empire stands up as a ruling class in place of the bourgeoisie to establish a free society, regardless of class or race. The state representing workers who have been orga nized into the dominant class will control the means of production for the benefit of society. Marx does not create what is now called communism. But the idea of producing and distributing wealth equitably carried out among citizens gives each other confidence in the proletariat or labor. Which it goes against the concept of capitalism at that time. Marxism became more popular and viral after Lenin successfully applied his theory and his idea. Marxism-Leninism was widely acknowledged in socialist countries such as the Soviet Union or China and Vietnam today. When Leninism-Stalinism suddenly adopted the term proletarian ideology in the late 1920s in order to designate not the distortion of proletarian consciousness under the pressure of bourgeois ideology but the very subjective driving force of proletarian revolutionary activity, this shift in the notion of ideology was strictly correlative to the reinterpretation of Marxism itself as an impartial objective science' (Zizek, Mapping Ideology 9). At the time of Marx, due to the influence of the revolutions in Europe and the Americas, people resorted to violent means of seizing power to deal with socio-economic problems without seeing the power. A lot of peaceful solutions by compromise and dialogue. Marx criticized and denied utopian socialism for its failure as a testimony to the need for socialist revolution. Violent revolutionary measures can give a very immediate result when the public is motivated to stand up for the revolution. But it will endure massive social losses for a long time, and When it is necessary to restrain the revolution and bring it back to a peaceful and friendly state, it is tough and time-consuming and enormous loss. Nonviolent peace measures, though slowly and seemingly ineffective, can, in fact, resolve the conflict once the conflict is ripe because society is the totality of communal forces. Assembly and forces are in need of each other, so they can adjust themselves to deal with conflicts. After t he death of Marx, the world has changed profoundly, and there have emerged effective methods of peaceful struggle through institutions such as unions, social organizations, social media, and religion. As one bitter critic put it, In the name of human progress, Marx has probably caused more death, misery, degradation and despair than any man who ever lived (Downs 1983, 299). 1487 words Bibliography Downs, Robert B. 1983. Books That Changed the World. 2d ed. New York: Penguin. Roemer, John E. 1988. Free to Lose. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Skousen, Mark. The Big Three In Economics. 1st ed. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2007. Print.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Racism Essay -- essays research papers

Discrimination - Racism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Racism, the belief that one race possesses inherent traits that make that particular race superior, or racial prejudice. Discrimination has always been an issue globally, and within our nation. While it was more commonly accepted and practiced decades ago, it is still quite prominent in the hearts of many people worldwide and is demonstrated through their behavior. It was common practice to keep slaves, or people who submit entirely to another’s will, for work, and other duties. Slaveholding was allowed in the United States until 1865, when Amendment XIII was ratified. The date June 19th, 1865 is when the last slaves were said to be freed. Human Rights are basic fundamental rights, such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, or execution, which should be granted to all peoples. Civil Rights are mainly nonpolitical rights, such as personal liberties, that are included in the amendments to the US Constitution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Segregation is the s eparation of different races/groups in living arrangement, social situations, and educational facilities, or other areas open for discrimination. The United States made the first step towards desegregation in 1954 with the Supreme Court ruling in the case of Brown v. the Board of Education. That case overturned the previous pro-segregation decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, and stated that separate but equal educational facilities were not, in fact, equal, and o...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Robert E. Lee :: essays research papers

The idol of the South to this day, Virginian Robert E. Lee had some difficulty in adjusting to the new form of warfare that unfolded with the Civil war, but this did not prevent him from keeping the Union armies in Virginia at bay for almost three years. The son of Revolutionary War hero "Light Horse" Harry Lee-who fell into disrepute in his later years attended West Point and graduated second in his class. During his four years at the military academy he did not earn a single demerit and served as the cadet corps' adjutant. Upon his 1829 graduation he was posted to the engineers. Before the Mexican War he served on engineering projects in Georgia, Virginia, and New York. During the war he served on the staffs of John Wool and Winfield Scott. Particularly distinguishing himself scouting for and guiding troops, he won three brevets and was slightly wounded at Chapultepec. Following a stint in Baltimore Harbor he became superintendent of the military academy in 1852. When the mounted arm was expanded in 1855, Lee accepted the lieutenant colonelcy of the 2nd Cavalry in order to escape from the painfully slow promotion in the engineers. Ordered to western Texas, he served with his regiment until the 1857 death of his father-in-law forced him to ask for a series of leaves to settle the estate. In 1859 he was called upon to lead a force of marines, to join with the militia on the scene, to put an end to John Brown's Harper's Ferry Raid. Thereafter he served again in Texas until summoned to Washington in 1861 by Winfield Scott who tried to retain Lee in the U. S. service. But the Virginian rejected the command of the Union's field forces on the day after Virginia seceded. He then accepted an invitation to visit Governor John Letcher in Virginia. His resignation as colonel, 1st Cavalry-to which he had recently been promoted-was accepted on April 25, 1861. His Southern assignments included: major general, Virginia's land and naval forces (April 23, 1861); commanding Virginia forces (April 23 July 1861); brigadier general, CSA (May 14, 186 1); general, CSA (from June 14, 186 1); commanding Department of Northwestern Virginia (late July-October 1861); commanding Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida (November 8, 186 1-March 3, 1862); and commanding Army of Northern Virginia June 1, 1862-April 9, 1865). In charge of Virginia's fledgling military might, he was mainly involved in organizational matters. As a Confederate brigadier general, and later full general, he was in charge of supervising all Southern forces in Virginia. In the first summer of the war he was given his first field command in

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Operations Management Essay

Carefully review the assignment scenario/case study. From the limited information in the scenario/case study, along with your answers to the unit three written assignment, identify at least three direct and specific long-term and three direct and specific short term operations changes that Albatross Anchor must make to gain a clear and sustainable competitive advantage (provide detailed information to validate and support each recommended change) Long-Term Operational Changes (01) Building Renovation: Moving the equipment around to make sure that it is better organized. Moving the foundry to where the raw products and finished products are located right now will open up the receiving and shipping. Receiving and shipping now can be one big area with the possibility of adding more equipment to the area which would bring down the delay between the two anchors. If there is a way of dividing the manufacturing area so that the area can make both anchors at the same time instead of having that 36 hour window of changing the equipment. This will cut cost down on the down time and increase the profit margins. (02)Technology: Having up to date technology added to the area will help eliminate some of the equipment that technology could do. Also up to date technology in the administrative offices is important as well so that all employees on the floor and in the offices know what is going on. Having this technology will be safer and faster production. (03)Equipment: Updating the equipment if possible that would do more in less time would help with building up the profit margins. Adding more equipment so that both anchors can be made at the same time will also bring in the profit margins. Moving the equipment around to make room for new or making the foundry and other equipment to divide the manufacturing area to have the area produce both anchors. Short-Term Operational Changes (01)Budgeting: Budgeting the funds around to help upgrade the technology and equipment. And the funds to have more employees. The cost of what will cost to do all the long time and what the company will make after everything is complete. Having a budget will help with what can be done now and what we can see if we can get help or something that will have to wait until funds are available. (02) Employees: All employees new and old know the procedures and rules of the company. What the employees need to do to make it easier of a change. Train them on the new technology and equipment and what needs to be done. Having all employees knows the two types of anchors is very important especially the administrative office when they have callers that have questions and those that are shipping out the anchors. Sending out the wrong anchors to the customers can lead to loss of money and customers. Because of the items not being right they would think that Albatross Anchor is very none organized and more to a company that looks more organized. (03) Update administrative offices: Updating the offices will have the customers that come in want to do business with Albatross Anchor. Trying to have a couple of the administrative staff are knowledgeable in the anchors will help the other administrative staff with training and be the go to for all questions that they may have. Having updated technology the administrative will be able to do a lot more to help with the business and be able to know when delivers are coming and what amount is coming. This way all employees that deal with shipping and receiving will be on the same page. Question Two From the list of ten operational issues in the Unit 6 assignment instructions select four operational issues. For each of the four operational issues explain in detail that operational issue will help Albatross Anchor improve; 1) job retention, 2) employee morale, and 3) employee dedication. Operational Issue One: Cross Training Job retention: Have cross training employees will be able to work in different areas so if an area is short on employees can move someone to the area of shortage to help and keep everything going. This will also give the employees more of an opportunity and look for work if a position opens up. Employee morale: Having employees cross train over in areas will make them feel valuable to the company, which will give positive results in the work environment and in the employees. Employee dedication: Having employees cross train and having them feel valuable will help bring employees continue to work and want to work at Albatross Anchor. Operational Issue Two: Gain sharing and profit sharing Job retention: profit sharing created the employee will benefit of the financial success of Albatross Anchor. With the growth of the company and valuable employees will help with this success. With the employees knowing that they are benefiting from the profit sharing will continue to stay and work hard. Employee Morale: Employees will feel appreciated if they receive financial rewards. Being rewarded of their hard work created positive morals for the employees and the company. Employee Dedication: Employees has personal responsibility for the profit sharing in the company success, especially when all employees benefit when the company is successful. This will create employee dedication. Operational Issue Three: Ergonomics Job retention: Having hard physical labor brings short and long term damages. Ergonomics ensures that workers operate in the most safest and productive ways. Having a company pay attention to workers health will keep employees when they know the company cares about their employees. Employee morale: Working in hard manual labor rises the risk of damage to the employees. Having the employees know that they are working for a company that cares about their well-being will bring employee morale high. Employee dedication: Employees that feel the company is invested in their employees will bring dedication from their employees. Operational Issue Four: Technology and automation: Job retention: Improving the technology and automation will help bring the company safer and a better place to work for. Having this done will bring Albatross Anchor up to date with safety procedures. Employees will feel safe knowing they are working with the latest technology and automation. Employee morale: Workers will take pride in their work when there is an up to date technology and automation. Employee dedication: Employees that work in up to date technology and automation will come to work happy and will be dedicated to the company. Conclusion If the Albatross Anchor takes these long and short term improvements. The company will be a very successful company and many customers will continue to purchase anchors from them, especially if the company are producing both anchors at the same time. Having employees that want to come will also help bring in the success of the company. No one wants to come and work for a company that doesn’t care or show their appreciation in their employees and help with rewards after the company starts getting a profit after the changing of the equipment and moving things around. As long as Albatross Anchor does the changes and upgrades that need to be done and show support and appreciation to their works Albatross Anchor will be a successful company and one that many customers and possible customers will talk about.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Satire: Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Moliere) and Jonathan Swift

Both Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Moliere) and Jonathan Swift use satire as a means of conveying their ideas concerning the actions of the characters in their respective works Tartuffe and Gulliver’s Travels. The object of Moliere’s satire is the false religiosity suffused the climate of his time. He parodies the lives of persons who profess Christianity and yet in certain situations behave in a manner non-concurrent with the message they preach. Swift too condemns a sort of hypocrisy in his tale, as the professed rank and honor of the leaders of his time come under attack in his portrayal of them. Swift in particular uses a variety of different metaphors in order to change the scale of humanity and in so doing magnify the problem he seeks to point out. Both novels, therefore, demonstrate the role of satire as â€Å"mediator† between how life actually is and what is ought to be in the eyes of their authors (Bullit, 3). Moliere uses characters to typify the types of persons he wishes to satirize. The title character of his work, Tartuffe himself, represents the type of person in life who professes religion and yet in his action demonstrates himself to be in complete discord with the tenets of that religion. Tartuffe performs actions that amount to fraud and yet acts in the name of the clergy and of Christianity. This man can be seen to stand in the place of the clergy of the Catholic faith (the dominant religion of France at the time) who collected funds (such as indulgences) or other otherwise ingratiated themselves to the masses under false pretences. The person upon whom the fraud is committed represents the masses who willingly give their all to these leaders of the church, whom they believe to be virtuous. However, Moliere indicates that the money being appropriated by the church is being used for personal and non-religious reasons. The situation’s remedy comes in the form of a king who finds out the truth and punishes Tartuffe for his guilt. Moliere’s criticism of the clergy is complete in this description, as he indicates that God (ruler of the earth) is in no way supportive of the actions of these religious persons who claim to be doing His will. Moliere also satirizes the determination of some persons (especially the religious masses) to embrace ignorance and the misfortune that they fall into because of this behavior. The character Orgon is eager to believe not only in the virtue of Tartuffe but also in the particulars of his claims. As a result, he is swindled out of his property and can only be rescued by the royal (divine) intervention of the King. The corrective proposition given by Moliere is that the clergy should seek to truly represent the knowledge and wishes of God by acting in accordance with his teaching. They should also seek to educate the masses, and by promoting education and transparency all round, virtue will increase. Swift in Gulliver’s Travels takes his readers to several different places, and the effect of this is to remove what he consideres the self-imposed grandeur. This grandeur is imposed through the building up of socio-political and religious institutions based upon laws that profess to defend (among other things) a hierarchical view of humanity. In Lilliput and Brobdingnag, for example, the natives give air to Swift’s true ideas concerning these institutions and the form of humanity that obtains within them. The Lilliputians demonstrate the pride and high-mindedness of humans, underscoring how petty this form of behavior is. Such honors as the favor of the Court is demonstrated in the ministers of Lilliput challenge of jumping over a rope and the rewards they are granted. The various heights to which the rope is lifted represent the different titles to which nobles and clergymen might aspire. The Lilliputians who represent such people are small, and their size reflects Swift’s satirical representation of the true size of humans in relation to their opinions of themselves. Likewise, in Brobdingnag, the larger scale of the persons represents the magnification of humans’ foibles and vices in a grotesque manner, as they vainly attempt to decorate themselves with a distinction of rank that does not truly exist. Gulliver’s conversion throughout the tale from a person of naivete to one who is truly skeptical of human behavior represents method in which Swift indicates that humans should correct themselves. In becoming aware of humanity’s own tendency toward pride and pettiness, people will become more likely to recognize and denounce it within themselves and others.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Review of “Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother)” Essay

The Spanish culture has been known for its masculinity. Bullfighters, soccer players, and other manly figures are often associated with the image of the Spanish culture. They had even introduced the word â€Å"machismo† to the English language. One movie provides us a slice of the Spanish culture: â€Å"Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother)†, a film written and directed by Pedro Almodà ³var. The film had received a wide reception both in Spain and other parts of the world. The film â€Å"Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother)† talks about an issue that is very rarely associated with the Spanish culture: Womanhood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story was basically about Manuela’s search for the father of her dead son, Esteban. Manuela did not tell her son anything about his real father, she only told her that he was already dead long before he was born. However, Esteban wanted to know his father better than her mother’s one-sentence description. As the driving conflict of the story, Esteban died and his notebook revealed that he desired to know his father. It would be revealed that Esteban’s real father was a prostitute transvestite with the name Lola. The search for the man named Lola had set Manuela’s life in a rollercoaster ride full of unpredictable turns and loops. During the course of the search, Manuela meets colorful people that would make her realize that life is still worth living.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Almodà ³var’s plot could be described as unpredictable, which gives the film realism. Conflicts are introduced one after another, and at some points intertwined. The camera work was executed with high regard to modern aesthetics. The characters were beautifully designed, some so realistic but most are certainly peculiar. Manuela’s search for Lola had led her back to the underground world of Barcelona, where transvestites were not an uncommon. The underground version of Barcelona is certainly a visual treat to the audience to an unfamiliar yet colorful world. There, Manuela meets up with old friends, like Agrado, and some new ones. In addition, through those new relationships, Manuela had somehow managed to heal a portion of the wound inflicted by the death of her son.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The film’s highlighting of womanhood in the Spanish context is admirable. From the title alone, â€Å"All About My Mother†, the audience are immediately notified that this would be a story about a woman. Even the name of the protagonist Manuela, supposedly derived from a man’s name: Manuel, suggests that this film would talk about womanhood. But the most interesting aspect of the film is the inclusion of a transvestite. It would be helpful to reiterate that the Spanish culture takes pride on its oozing masculinity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, womanhood was not entirely glorified by the film. It seems that the film had utilized a negative and rather offensive stereotype to women. In the initial part of the story, Manuela had told Esteban that his father had died long before he was born. It would not take long that the audience would discover that Manuela is telling a lie. There are other points within the narrative that a woman (and the woman-like) would tell lies. It seems that Almodà ³var is arguing that Spanish women make lies, not because there is a lack of morals, but for the benefit of others, much like a white lie. Manuela did not inform Esteban about the unconventional truth about his father, supposedly to protect her son from the implications of having a transvestite for a father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Almodà ³var’s casting of a woman protagonist and transsexual males could be interpreted as a social satire, but if we try to analyze the intention behind the film, we are likely to arrive at a positive note. â€Å"Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother)† becomes a representative for the Spanish culture. Other cultures who would watch the film would realize that the Spanish community is not all about machismo. The film somewhat deconstructs the stereotyped image of the Spanish culture as being male-dominated. The film is seemingly arguing that the Spanish women are just as interesting as Spanish men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All in all, Almodà ³var’s â€Å"Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother)† shares the culture of the Spaniards in a new yet more vibrant light. The English subtitles are really helpful for those without a background on the Spanish language. However, the original language should be preserved for the audience to have a distinct Spanish experience. Bibliography ALMODÓVAR, P. (1999) â€Å"Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother)†   

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Human right issues Essay

India’s earliest settlements are believed to have developed in the culture hearths of the Indus Valley around 2600 B.C.E. and in the Ganges Valley around 1500 B.C.E. These societies were mainly composed of ethnic Dravidians who had an economy based on commerce and agricultural trade. Aryan tribes are believed to have then invaded the area after they migrated into the Indian subcontinent from the northwest. It is thought that they introduced the caste system which is still common in many parts of India today. During the 4th century B.C.E, Alexander the Greatintroduced Greek practices into the region when he expanded across Central Asia. During the 3rd century B.C.E, the Mauryan Empire came into power in India and was most successful under its emperor, Ashoka. Throughout subsequent periods Arab, Turkish and Mongol peoples entered India and in 1526, a Mongol Empire was established there, which later expanded throughout most of northern India. During this time, such landmarks as the Taj Mahal were also constructed. Much of India’s history after the 1500s was then dominated by British influences. The first British colony was in 1619 with English East India Company at Surat. Shortly thereafter, permanent trading stations opened in present-day Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata. British influence then continued to expand from these initial trading stations and by the 1850s, most of India and other countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh were controlled by Britain. By the late 1800s, India began working toward independence from Britain but it did not come until the 1940s however when Indian citizens began to unite and British Labor Prime Minister Clement Attlee began to push for India’s independence. On August 15, 1947, India officially became a dominion within the Commonwealth and Jawaharlal Nehru was named India’s Prime Minister. India’s first constitution was written shortly thereafter on January 26, 1950 and at that time, it officially became a member of the British Commonwealth. Since gaining its independence, India has undergone significant growth in terms of its population and economy however, there were periods of instability in the country and much of its population today lives extreme poverty. Government of India Today India’s government is a federal republic with two legislative bodies. The legislative bodies consist of the Council of States, also called Rajya Sabha, and the People’s Assembly, which is called the Lok Sabha. India’s executive branch has a chief of state and a head of government. There are also 28 states and seven union territories in India. Economics Land Use in India India’s economy today is a varied mix of small village farming, modern large scale agriculture as well as modern industries. The service sector is also an incredibly large part of India’s economy as many foreign companies such places as call centers located in the country. In addition to the service sector, India’s largest industries are textiles, food processing, steel, cement, mining equipment, petroleum, chemicals and computer software. India’s agricultural products include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, tea, sugarcane, dairy products and livestock. Geography and Climate of India The geography of India is diverse and can be divided into three main regions. The first is the rugged, mountainous Himalayan region in the northern part of the country, while the second is called the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is in this region that most of India’s large-scale agriculture takes place. The third geographic region in India is the plateau region in the southern and  central portions of the country. India also has three major river systems which have large deltas that take over a large portion of the land. These are the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. India’s climate is also varied but is tropical in the south and mainly temperate in the north. The country also has a pronounced monsoon season from June to September in it southern portion. More Facts about India †¢ India’s people are 80% Hindu, 13% Muslim and 2% Christian. These divisions have historically caused tensions between different religious groups. †¢ Hindi and English are India’s official languages, but there are also 17 regional languages that are considered official. †¢ India has several cities that have undergone place name changes such as Bombay being renamed Mumbai. These changes were mainly done in an effort to return the city names to local dialects, as opposed to British translations.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Explore how managers can use specific communication models to create Essay - 1

Explore how managers can use specific communication models to create more effective working teams - Essay Example Key communication models are helpful towards creating more effective working teams. The Claude Shannon’s model is the simplest model of communication that is utilized in a traditional organization. In this model, there are two parties to communication. This involves the idea of the source and the receiver. The source initiates communication by sending a message to the receiver. The sender encodes a message into a form that the receiver can interpret. On the other hand, the receiver decodes information given one’s disposition. The encoded message is the signal while the decoded message is the received signal. The communication model is simplistic and it teaches a manager how communication is basically structured. The model, however, seeks to reinterpret rather than inform about an effective way of communication. This theory of communication reflected the context in which it sprang. This was the genesis of mass communication exemplified in items such as the radio and the television. In the end, it unified all later communication theories since it interp reted the basics of communication. It, therefore, teaches managers that communication involves two parties that deserve attention. This model, however, is a minimalist representation of an actually complex reality. In the real organizational environment, both the source and receiver can interchange roles. In the organization, communication may either begin from the managers or emanate from the employees and departments towards the opposite party. Communication also occurs within departments and take place between departments. In most cases, the department acts as a communication party, especially when it collectivize the opinions of the employees (Baran & Davis 2010, P. 111). Due to its simplistic mode, the model is useful in instruction giving. A manager should ensure that

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Stressors and Stress Management Mechanisms among First-Year School Research Paper

Stressors and Stress Management Mechanisms among First-Year School Principals - Research Paper Example Literature Review This study was conducted based on knowledge and experience brought forward by previous authors and researchers. To gain a wholesome understanding of the whole stress phenomenon, the literature review was conducted in threefold. Firstly, literature review on stressors among first-year principals was investigated. Secondly, studies on effects of stressors were evaluated in the lens of burnout theory. Finally, different ways of stress management options were considered. There is overwhelming evidence that first-year principals and assistant principals are predisposed to various stressors. Young did an elaborate study on some of the major causes of stress among school principals. He concluded, â€Å"The obvious problem of juggling multiple issues that vary in priority requires a blend of wisdom and maturity. New people are unlikely to poses these qualities at the start of their careers in administration† (Young 516). In another independent study on stressors on s chool principals Brock and Grady came up with a finding that â€Å"Some administrators feel overburdened with stress at work. They struggle to maintain high productivity despite the stress. Reluctant to ask for assistance and fearing being perceived as weak or lacking leadership ability (Brock and Grady 60). Whereas evidence points to presence of stressing conditions among first-year principals and assistant principals, it was reported that the condition could even be much worse for principals taking their first-year roles in institutions of special education. This is because these institutions need special attention and profound leadership due to its sensitivity in nature. Johnson claims, â€Å"Special educators are at the highest... The results of this paper confirmed similar previous works done under relatively similar conditions and frames of study. The major stressor was found to be high expectation from all stakeholders especially when the principal encountered a school with discipline and performance issues. The inability to make profound decisions due to lack of experience in the new environment was a major stressor among many of the principals. Overwhelming activities associated with the position was reported to be quite a challenge particularly for principals taking the position for the first time. Effects of stress were common among all the subjects of study. Stress manifested itself physically and psychologically. However, stress management mechanisms varied widely from one principal to another though there was considerable overlap of the same. It is therefore important that the results of this study were taken seriously by anyone considering making further progress in this matter. It has been found th at stress among first-year principals and their assistants is a reality. It is also important to note that there exists several stress management mechanisms that can be used by first-year principals to ensure that their integration on the new positions takes place effectively. The results of the study are not exclusive for first-year principals only but can be applied across a wide variety of other related disciplines.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Book Review - Essay Example However, the intrinsic qualities of both the works cannot be negated. In the book, â€Å"Taj Mahal† (Wonders of the World) by â€Å"Giles Tillotson†, writer elaborates the history regarding the construction of the â€Å"Taj Mahal†. Writer describes that the design of the Taj is the combination of Iranian, Afghani and Indian construction techniques while Islamic designs have also played an important in the overall construction. The doom and the minarets of the Taj are originally Islamic architectural techniques. According to the writer, Taj Mahal was constructed by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan around 1631 to 1653. White Marble is the main constructional element of the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan bought the location of the Taj Mahal from Maharajah Jai Singh and presented a vast palace in Agra as an exchange for the land. The foundation took about 12 years to complete while the whole Taj took about 22 years to get completed. Shah Jahan, built the Taj as the mausoleum of his beloved wife, â€Å"Mumtaz Mahal†. Shah Jahan’s wife Mumtaz Mahal died during childbirth. He immensely loved his wife and decided to build a mausoleum as final resting place for his wife. The mausoleum has four minarets at the four corners of the foundation. Taj lies in the middle of the foundation. It has a single bigger doom. There are several rooms inside the Taj besides a wide-open place in the centre of the building. The foundation is about 5-6 feet about the surface. Wells were dug and then filled with stones to build the foundation of the Taj Mahal. White marble was used in the construction as the major element, while sapphire, silver and gold were used to beautify the structure. The beautiful gardens with lush green grass and trees and fountains enhance the mystical beauty of the structure. At night, the translucent marble of the Taj, shines and presents a beautiful scene. During the day, the sunlight tries to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Create a Short story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Create a Short story - Essay Example Sure, he had enough things to feel proud, but they failed to meet Jacks great life expectations. Tony, his neighbor and secret enemy, was an epitome of success. Tony was everything Jack wanted to be. He was tall, well-dressed, successful, self-confident and humorous person who had all doors open for him. They worked at the same organization where Jack had the opportunity to observe how Tony climbed his career ladder. Jack remained an ordinary clerk when Tony was promoted again and again. Tony was loved, celebrated and appreciated when Jack was forgotten. Daily routine swallowed Jack and his thoughts. There were papers to be sighed and reports to be made up. There were piles of paper on his desk and a dozen of unread emails. Jacks depression was getting worse and worse with every thought which popped up in Jacks head. The invisible fight between Tony and Jack was over and Jack had to grasp his knockout. The day was over and Jack had to go home. When the doors of the elevator closed, he found himself standing in front of Tony with no other people around. The tension was increasing with every second. Jack could hardly control his despair and anger; he wanted to stop this humiliation of being so close to the person whom he hated most in his life. â€Å"You have everything I want to have in my life. When I look at your loving and beautiful wife and marvelous two kids, I understand that my life is completely empty. You might be the happiest person in the world. Sorry if I bother you.† The doors opened and Tony rushed to his car leaving puzzled Jack behind his back. He did not look at Jack and left the office building quickly. The situation was totally absurd, and Jack struggled to understand what had just happened. His role model and his greatest enemy turned into a secret admirer of Jacks humble family

Assignment for Managerial Economics Research Paper

Assignment for Managerial Economics - Research Paper Example The generic strategy of differentiation can really assist Starbucks to meet consumer interests and to grow its business in India. Finally, it is recommendable for the company to start soft drinks business in India because this business sector has strong growth potential in the Indian market in spite of intense competition threats. 1. The business 1.1 Brief overview Starbucks Corporation is a multinational coffeehouse chain headquartered at Washington in the United States. It was founded in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker, and Zev Siegl. Starbucks is the world’s largest coffeehouse company with 20,891 stores spread across 62 countries. The organization has a strong market presence in economically leading countries like US, UK, Canada, Japan, China, Mexico, and South Korea. It has played a significant role in developing a distinct coffee culture in many countries and this uniqueness is the main reason why the brand is still admired by millions of customers. As per CNN repor ts, the firm has a diverse product line and it mainly focuses on products such as whole-bean coffee, microground instant coffee, hot and cold beverage, pastries, snacks, and full-leaf teams. In addition, this coffeehouse company also operates an entertainment division for the purpose of marketing items like books, music, and film. The organization achieved a tremendous growth rate over the last two decades and currently the firm’s overseas stores constitute nearly one third of its total stores. In order to confront recessionary pressures successfully and to make its operations more productive and profitable, the Starbucks Corporation announced hundreds of store closures since 2008 in the United States. This downsizing strategy greatly assisted the company to effectively survive the recent global recession and further fuel its business growth. According to the Fortune 500 rating (as cited in CNN Money), Starbucks was ranked at number 227 in terms of largest corporations in Ame rica in 2012. While analyzing the business strategy of Starbucks, it seems that the company has been using focus and differentiation generic strategies to drive its business growth. 1.2 Rationale for the country choice Currently the Starbucks Corporation plans to enter India as part of its global business expansion because growth opportunities are rapidly emerging in this world’s one of the largest markets. In order to justify this country choice, a PEST analysis is conducted. Political factors While evaluating the political spectrum of the country, political instability seems to be a great threat. Emergence of more local parties and religion-based political parties contributes to the political uncertainty of the country. However, analysts indicate that India would institute more economic reforms after the national elections scheduled in 2013-2014 (Lucintel). In addition, the government is taking immense efforts to eliminate corruption. India has a free market environment and the government extremely encourages foreign investment to deal with issues like unemployment. Hence, legal barriers would not disturb the market entry of Starbucks. Economic factors India has achieved a steady GDP growth rate of 8% over the last five years (Lucintel). Economists predict that the Indian economy is expected to maintain its growth rate over